11. Opportunity

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Note: in case you haven't already caught on, I'll be following the manga for the Teiko arc instead of the anime. Don't get me wrong, I like the anime adaptation for this arc, but it leaves quite a bit out. Because I want to write Teiko at its fullest, I'll be following the manga and using it to write scenes.

Looking for a Miracle
Chapter Eleven

I grinned when practice finished for the day, and everyone either went home or lingered to work on their own skills. I shot a look at Aomine, and we made our way to the third string gym, as we always did.

Just over a week had passed since Sei had told Midorima and I about his desire to find a sixth man. During that time, he still hadn't been able to find anyone that fit his vision. He wasn't worried, however, and reminded us constantly that we had first years arriving next year. Maybe one of them would fit the bill.

Still, that was his problem. I was happy enough to spend time with my friends, like I did with Aomine and Kuroko every night. 

Aomine and I arrived at the gym. I grinned and raised my hand, ready to call a greeting to our blue-haired friend, then froze when I didn't spot him.

"Where's Kuroko?" I wondered. I looked around again to make sure I hadn't overlooked him. I hadn't. "He should already be here, if third string practices in this gym."

Aomine shrugged, though he looked a little baffled as well. "Who knows? He might have gone to the bathroom or something."


I guess it will just be Aomine and me for a while. I was happy, but I wasn't as excited as I thought I'd be at the prospect. We'd spent so much time together over the past few weeks that I had gotten used to his presence; his smile didn't turn me into a blushing mess anymore, and I didn't feel like I was dying when he looked at me and joked with me anymore.

Everything felt... normal, between us. Like I had gotten so used to him that 

But I still had a crush on him, didn't I? I sighed and kicked myself mentally. I'd think about that later, when I was alone in my room and Aomine wasn't by my side, confusing me.

 Five minutes passed while we were waiting for Kuroko, and he still didn't arrive. Aomine and I exchanged a worried glance but continued to practice; he challenged me to a one-on-one which I accepted, but still lost at. I did manage to score a number of goals though, which I was proud of.

This continued throughout the entirety of our usual training time, and Kuroko still didn't turn up. I frowned. I recalled talking to him at school today, just before club activities... Maybe, he had to go home early?

I was just about to give up on seeing Kuroko for practice when the door opened. I turned, and spotted Kuroko's light blue head entering the gym.

"Kuroko!" I called, running over to his side. There you are..." I froze, standing just in front of him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

For Kuroko didn't come in with his usual smile. He was looking down, and his shoulders were slumped. He was still wearing his school uniform, too, instead of his usual practice outfit.

"Tetsu!" Aomine exclaimed, running over to join me by Kuroko's side. "Did something happen?"

"Akane-san, Aomine-kun..." Kuroko looked up, and I stiffened to see how broken he appeared; his lips were curled down in a frown, and his eyes were lifeless. "I was advised by the coach to drop the basketball club. And... I'm considering it."

I felt like I had just been slapped. What? I tried forming words, but nothing could past my lips.

Kuroko... quit basketball? Something like a croak emitted from my throat. But he's put in so much effort! If he quit after all that... My heart broke for him. To be pretty much told that all his effort was for nothing must have hurt.

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