12. Day Out

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Looking for a Miracle
Chapter Twelve
Day Out

I did not know how it had come to this.

It had started with Momoi arguing with Aomine. She'd been telling him that he needed new basketball shoes desperately, and he was reluctant to go. I'd offered to come along so I could try and keep Momoi in check, for which Aomine had been grateful.

Murasakibara had then overheard that we had planned to go to a sweet shop afterward and asked if he could come along, to which we had agreed.

Then, since we had four out of our six coming along, we tried to rope Midorima and Sei into it as well. We'd gotten Midorima to agree after promising that an antique shop was nearby and he could get his day's lucky item. When it came to Sei, everyone had instantly turned to me. I'd rolled my eyes but agreed. It seemed that if anything came down to Sei, I was always the one to talk to him.

So I'd approached Sei and asked him to come with us. He was reluctant but after I'd asked him a few times, he'd relented with a sigh and rubbing his forehead tiredly.

So now the six of us were gathered in the shops, the oddest and most mismatched group ever. A few odd looks were sent our way as we gathered, but I liked to think it was everyone else's unusual hair colours grouped together that caused the stares.

I smiled and joined in, but felt a little out of it. I'd been up late last night finishing my most recent book. I'd been nearing the end and as I did so, I kept hitting cliffhangers and couldn't put it down. I had finished it breathless... and when it was about one o'clock in the morning.

I was definitely feeling it the consequences now.

But still I participated in everyone's conversations with vigour, all the while battling tiredness from showing as we argued loudly over which shop to go to first.

First we went to the antique shop to calm Midorima and so he could collect the day's lucky item. There was a sweet store nearby so we popped in there next. The sugary smell hung in the air and I breathed it in appreciatively, already drifting toward the chocolate.

I picked up a few bars and wandered around the shop. I spotted Midorima and Sei browsing over a corner of the shop, though I doubted either of them would buy something here. Momoi and Aomine were bent over a particular sweet and examining it. From Momoi's furrowed brow I could tell she wasn't too keen on it, but Aomine's eyes had lit up. I wondered if it was a sour lolly; Momoi didn't particularly like sour sweets.

And Murasakibara on the other hand... he was scooping as much of everything into his arms as possible. He appeared next to me as I was deliberating over some sweets to buy and pointed out his favourites.

Well, if they're his favourites, they must be good. I shrugged and grabbed the sweets. The pile in my hands was growing so I decided to pay then before it got out of hand. I definitely had a large sweet tooth.

Sei and I then insisted on a quick stop to the bookstore, though I really was quick because of we stayed there a minute longer we were sure Aomine might get kicked out, or Murasakibara as he continued to eat inside the store. At least I managed to find a book I liked the sound of during that time.

The arcade was next and that was much better received, with everyone dispersing. With a delighted yell; many people didn't think it, but I loved video games. My game drawer was stacked full with Legend of Zelda and Mario and Fire Emblem games, along with a few others. They were a good escape every once and a while.

We spent a good half hour in there. I went against Aomine in a lot of games, spent time with Momoi in the photo booth, roped Sei into a few games. Even Murasakibara watched with interest.

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