09. Phantom

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Looking for a Miracle
Chapter Nine

I stretched out as I watched everyone on the basketball team begin their cool down procedures. Well, some were. Others were staying behind just a little bit longer to go over a new skill they'd learned at training, polish new skills of their own, or just practice a little while longer.

Of course, Sei had elected to stay behind a little longer, so I was stuck here until they finished. I checked my watch. It was already late, and I'd have no manager duties to keep me entertained. I wondered how I'd eat up time until Sei finished.

A flicker of movement by the door caught my eye. I turned, and my eyebrows furrowed to see Aomine make his way outside, a basketball still in his hands.

"Hey, Aomine!" I called.

Aomine halted in the threshold to the door. I jogged up to him and folded my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow at him. "Sneaking out of the main gym?" I inquired in a teasing tone. "Where are you going?"

Despite being caught out, he looked completely unfazed. He flicked his thumb in the direction of something toward the left. "I'm headed to practice in the third string gym. This one's too crowded for my liking."

I looked over my shoulder and pulled a face, realising just how many people were using the gym. There wasn't much room for players to practice individual skills. You'd probably run into someone else. Aomine was actually being smart for once; from what I'd gathered, not many people stayed back late in the third string.

I twisted back around to address my friend. "You're going to play basketball?"

Aomine stared at me like I'd asked a really stupid question. Which I probably had. "Of course."

It felt like I was blushing from head to toe. I wanted to ask something... whether I had the courage to, was the question.

"Let me join you," I blurted all in one breath, before I could back out. "I haven't played in a while."

Well, that was true. I hadn't been able to get to a basketball court in a while, thanks to having to revise. And if I got to be with Aomine... well, that was a bonus.

I had expected Aomine to protest or at least be reluctant. I know, he had nagged me about wanting to play basketball during our study sessions, but I had put that down to him being bored out of his wits. So I was pleasantly surprised when he sent me his usual carefree grin. "Sure thing."

My heart soared - a mixture of both being able to play basketball and spend some time with Aomine.

"Wait, what are you two doing?" a familiar voice squeaked in a panic. "Did I just hear that you were going to the third string gym?'

Momoi was standing behind us, looking and sounding terrified for our safety.

"Momoi?" I asked hesitantly. "What's wrong?"

Momoi appeared to be quite distressed; her eyes were wide and were filled with fear. "Haven't you heard the rumours about the third string gym?" she exclaimed shakily. "There's a ghost in there!"

Aomine and I exchanged a look, then stared blankly at Momoi.

"I'm telling you, it's true!" she cried, upon seeing our doubtful faces. "After practice, you can hear the sound of basketball bouncing in the third gym when no one is there!"

"Quit joking around, Satsuki," Aomine grumbled. He began to walk off, spinning the basketball absentmindedly in his hands. I cast one look back at Momoi then jogged to keep up with Aomine. I was sure if I backed off, I wouldn't be allowed to hear the end of it.

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