02. Meeting the Miracles

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Looking for a Miracle

Chapter Two

Meeting the Miracles

The bell rang clear through the air, signifying the end of my second day at Teiko Middle School. Everyone cried out in relief and shoved their textbooks deep in their bags and out of sight, their sudden outbreak of voices and scraping back of chairs almost drowning our Sensei's voice as she called out the homework for tonight.

I wasn't in such a rush to get of the classroom. Unlike many others, I had been enjoying the lesson. Our final class today had been biology, a subject that had always fascinated me. My favourite subjects had always been biology and chemistry, since there was just so much to discover and find out about each subject. 

I snapped my textbook and notebook shut and jumped to my feet, placing the two books in my bag. Beside me, Sei was already waiting for me to finish packing up. I rolled my eyes. He was just so efficient at everything.

We walked out of the classroom and into the busy corridor. Sei paused and looked across at me. "I'll see you down at the gym then."

"Of course."

Sei nodded and quickly strode out of the school building. I followed at my own pace. I wasn't in any rush like he was to reach the building to be perfectly on time for when practice started.

"Ah, Akane-chan!"

I looked back to see Momoi hurrying out of her classroom. She ran on over to my side.

I smiled. "Momoi-san, hello."

"I was hoping I'd run into you!" Momoi greeted brightly. "Nice to head down with someone you know."

I smiled. To think that we'd only known each other for a day, and yet we treated each other as though we'd known the other for weeks. That means a lot, but...

"But what about your friend? Aomine, wasn't it? He's in the basketball club."

"I won't get to talk to him too much, he'll be busy practicing." The pink-haired girl shrugged. "I told him he should head down without me."

"Oi, Satsuki, wait up!"

Momoi sighed. "Of course, he doesn't listen me," she muttered.

I looked up at the loud voice, as it many others. I quickly noted that it belonged to a boy who looked to be in our year. He definitely stood out from the crowd, what with his tanned skin and dark blue hair. He pushed his way through the crowd until he stood in front of us. He wore a grin on his face that was infectious; I could feel my own lips turn up into a smile as I looked at him.

Momoi's cheeks turned just as pink as her hair. "Aomine-kun, I told you not to call me that!" she said, narrowing her eyes. "People are going to talk!"

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