24. Sidelines

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Looking for a Miracle
Chapter Twenty-Four

I was given a clean bill of health a week after I arrived at the hospital, and three days into the new term.

I was immensely relieved. The hospital was an exceptionally dull place to be - if I'd stayed in there more much longer, I was sure I would've gone insane. Due to my head injury my movements outside the hospital room had been restricted, and I'd disliked having someone monitor me.

The thought of returning to school and being surrounded by my friends was a thought that brought a smile to my face, and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of the year with them.

If only I knew the what was going to unfold, I would've gone to school with a much different outlook on the future, and arrived with dread instead of optimism.

*          *          *

I received the first lot of bad news almost the minute I arrived at the school gates.

Momoi had run up to me and, after congratulating me on my release, told me that Head Coach Shirogane had collapsed.

I'd gasped but before I could ask any questions, she'd rushed to tell me that it wasn't life threatening, and the collapse had been due to overwork - that had been why he only took over training when tournament were approaching for that reason. He would be okay, but he wasn't got to return to his position as Head Coach. Coach Sanada would be taking over that role.

To make up for the retired third years, several being were being promoted from the second string as well. However, there had already been friction - particularly in regards to Aomine.

"He's lost," Momoi had whispered. "Ever since that match against Inoue when they gave up... he's realised just how strong he is. It's really messed with his mind... Aomine-kun has always loved the challenge in basketball. Winning effortlessly... he doesn't like it. It's actually really badly affecting him."

But when I returned to the basketball club, I realised that it wasn't only Aomine who had improved leaps and bounds. Aomine might have been the first to 'develop,' but now the full strength of the others was coming to fruition.

I watched, almost in some form of trance, the skills and dominance of my five friends grow at ridiculous rates.

Murasakibara had only grown taller, and he was now more flexible and faster than ever - it more than made up for his previous slower reactions. His strength was overwhelming and he was able to power through defence and attack with ease.

Midorima was shooting threes - and sinking all of them in - from larger distances. Far larger distances.

Kise was improving at a rapid rate that was unheard of for someone who had only just started playing the sport in his second year of middle school.

On top of that, there was undeniable friction between all of the Miracles. As their strength grew, their compliance with the others was beginning to wane. Arguments were a common anthem of the gym - where Aomine was yelling at anyone, Murasakibara and Midorima were arguing over whether the situation had been better for a dunk or a three pointer.

The only person who stayed out of the arguments was Kuroko, who could only watch on helplessly, his efforts to help going by mostly ignored. 

Sei was doing as his best as captain, but even he was being affected by the rising tension n the room. He wasn't able to keep as firm control over the others, and confessed to me he felt like he being left behind.

I felt a small pang when I thought that maybe, without my training menu Sei and I formed, everyone might not have improved so rapidly. Was I partially to blame for the tension that had suddenly arisen between everyone?

The thought made me want to scream.

I wanted to help, so badly, and I could tell Momoi and Kuroko wanted to as well. We wanted to find a way to bring everyone back together, and laugh and talk as easily as we did mere weeks ago.

But I just felt so useless. I was just a manager. I wasn't strong and powerful, and I didn't have Sei's gift with words nor his leadership skills. I was a supporter, someone who worked in the background, that that wasn't enough.

Not this time.

*          *          *

The more the tensions and problems rose in the gym, the more I noticed things were taking its toll on Sei.

He was strong, but the others were just improving so quickly that he had no way to control them anymore.

I was there as much as possible, whenever I could make the time, but there were times I worried that my efforts weren't enough.

It was hard to explain, but it was like Sei was blurred. The stress was getting to him more than he let on, and it was like he was being torn apart from the inside, and battling with himself.

To keep control, but keep everyone together and united, and not push everyone away. To assert authority as captain, but remain on good terms with everyone.

I could see him struggle, even when he wouldn't admit it.

I worked as hard as I could be relieve stress, but I didn't know what to do. It wasn't just the basketball club that was causing stress, but school and his harsh home life - in particular the ridiculously high expectations his father had.

Those expectations were, in plain terms, perfection. In everything.

And when that was all Sei had grown up with his entire life, I wasn't sure how I could help.

If I was even helping him at all, or if I was just being a nuisance.

*          *          *

I thought things couldn't become worse.

I didn't know how naive I was being.

All this, as hard as it was?

This was the calm before the storm.

And the storm that was incoming?

It was the biggest storm that would ever hit us.

and this is just a filler before all the drama sets in

we all know what's coming up who's ready?

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