Gentleman | Mumen Rider

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Request fulfilled! from: rose134265!

A/N: Since there were no further specifics to your request, I've proceeded my own little idea and I do hope you like it! <3


Mumen smoothed his hair back, fixing his tie and straightening his suit. His hands shook so slightly as he held a box of his homemade chocolates.

He strongly believed that he was never such a charismatic guy to begin with. He wasn't confident he could win you over.

And yet, here he was by your doorstep, ready to sweep you off your feet.

A little girl, possibly a younger sister (he'd hoped), informed him that you were just upstairs.

The thought of you running down with a shocked, maybe even disappointed expression on your face made his chest ache. Who was he to just come up and try to get you? Simply a mere nobody...

The unlocking of the door distracts him, and finally, there you were. You looked simple. Simply breathtaking.

A nice, loose fleece shirt and sweatpants. Just how much more perfect could you be?

Upon the sight of the shy and handsome hero, your cheeks lit up red as you jumped the steps to lessen the distance between you both.

Mumen scratched his cheek and shyly handed over the box of treats he had prepared. Your eyes widened in surprise as you relucantly accepted. It was truly embarrassing to commit such a familar act.

"H-homemade chocolates... Y-you don't have to eat them if you don't want to!"

His sudden outburst threw back even himself, and you quickly shook your head while smiling lovingly at the brunet.

"Silly... Why wouldn't I try out the very fruit of your love and labor?"

His cheeks had grown warm by this time as well, his heart was beating out of his chest. He averted his gaze, afraid to lose himself in your presence.  "I just felt it'd be w-weird..."

You shook your head in disbelief at the man. He was so insecure and yet so adorable. How much more does he plan on making you fall for him?

You clapped a hand on his shoulder and drew closer, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I can only consider it a great honor, coming from such a gentleman like you."

And with your loving smile and soft, relaxed gaze under the glow of the moonlight, cupid's game flew straight through his heart. Suddenly he felt like a little boy all over again, yearning for love.

You both shared a laugh, trying to shake off the embarassment as the moon smiled down upon you and blessed you with the romantic evening that you couldn't help but take up.

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