Itadakimasu | Genos

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[Name] sat on the couch with her legs up on a stool, fanning herself. The summer heat was NOT going easy on anybody this year, it seemed. Genos sat right across from her with his legs crossed, wearing a loose shirt. [Name] glanced at him once in awhile as she can't help but notice how utterly handsome the blond man truly was. The heat was an excuse, yes. Her face was red from the summer heat and from staring at Genos.

Genos simply had his eyes glued to the tv, his fingers tapping on the coffee table. Saitama had excused himself a couple hours earlier as he said he had a meeting with Mumen. [Name] and Genos grew quiet in surprise and were about to fire questions at the baldy but he was already up and away.

As the heat became more unbearable, [Name] decided to get up to change into lighter wear. She decided to change into a low-cut tank top.

The cyborg was still solely focused on the tv screen, too busy to notice that dear [Name] was soon to be a breathtaking sight.

After changing, [Name] came back, even washing her face again to cool down before she plopped back on the couch.

Genos tilted his head to the side to glance at her, seemingly unfazed. Moments later, his head sprang back to the side in surprise, evident on his normally calm-&-collected expression.

[Name] was already back to fanning herself and she noticed that the cyborg's eyes had zoomed out almost completely.

"What's wrong, Gen?"

Genos' face heat up at the weird nickname and at the sudden attention she'd given him.

Turning away once again, he rest his hand on his chin and plunged right into La-la-land.

[Name] chuckled at the odd reaction and threw the hand fan straight at Genos. "I'm gonna get some food, what do you want?"

His golden eyes wandered aimlessly before he decided on curry, and she quickly jogged up to the kitchen to get started.


Minutes later, [Name] came jogging back, with food in her hands. She carefully set the plates on the coffee table, along with water and a cup of tea. Presently, her long [h/c] hair was down, flowing to her waist. The room felt much cooler since half an hour before and it felt odd but good.

Genos once again could not seem to take his eyes off of her. His chopsticks lay still in between his fingers as he watched her dig into her food. He also had his mouth lay agape in fascination as he continued to watch her.

As [Name] noticed that Genos wasn't moving about, she looked up to meet his golden eyes. Her [e/c] orbs glimmered with curiosity as to why her attractive cyborg friend was all caught up in her.

"Is the food bad? Why do you seem like you're gonna eat me all up with your deadly looks?"

Genos looked down at his plate of curry then back up at [Name]. He put down his chopsticks and rested his hands on his thighs, cocking his head to one side as an unusual smirk adorned his face.


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