Stark | Sonic

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You were pouting and hugging your knees in a childish manner, upset about your boyfriend's absence. He'd been away for about 2 weeks without any word.

Your phone was stuck to you the whole time, waiting for a call or even a brief message that atleast informed you that he was alive. But there was nothing. You sighed and wondered if maybe this was his way of telling you he was ending things; maybe he was fed up.

Tears slowly rolled down your cheeks and the nice and warm meal you'd excitedly prepared moments ago in hopes of his return was slowly growing cold, and you've wasted your efforts. You heaved a sigh, releasing a bit of happiness and gathering the untouched plates and bowls, wrapping the food and returning it to the fridge.

You looked down at yourself and realized you didn't even smell or seem appealing. If at any case your miracle decided to fulfill itself and he returned, he would probably rather leave again than embrace you. The thought made your heart ache.

Scratching your head and observing the time, you decided it didn't matter at this point. You would have to take a shower anyways, and the depressing situation may just be lifted a little with a refreshing shower.


The cold water rained down on your naked body, and yet you could care less. You didn't know why Sonic was taking so long, he'd never done this before. Has something changed? Had you done something wrong to upset him? It didn't seem like so but it felt so much like it.

But amidst the storm of negativity...

The door of the bathroom suddenly opened.

You jumped in the shower and instinctively shut off the water. You pulled back the sliding doors to find Sonic, soaked and stark naked.

The heat immediately rushed to your face at the sight of him.

It was already too much seeing him in his black, skin-tight body suit, how much harder can it be with him in his birthday suit?

Well, much more difficult it seems.

You pulled the translucent sliding glass doors shut, clearing your throat out of embarassment and resuming your shower.

"I'm sorry I made you worry. Just got caught up with that Saitama again..."

You kept silent. You didn't expect that you would feel so hurt and happy to see him well and hear him again. Anything you could utter would surely come out in a choke, almost.

He stared at the outline of your figure through the translucent glass. He ached for you once again. He smiled and pulled the sliding door, just enough to feel how cold the water was.

"Hurry and finish. You're not getting sleep tonight."

Your cheeks flushed red with your brows knitted, warning him to stop teasing. He simply chuckled and smirked mischieviously, flicking your forehead.

"We've got a lot to catch up on, babe. I've got you."

One-Punch Man x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن