Chapter 20

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     As I lay on my brothers couch and  slowly wake up I find a blanket over me . I sit up and look at the wall, and make my eyes focus. "You finally woke up. Your phone has been going off all morning." I pick up my phone to find 5 messages from Justin, and mom. I set my phone down, and decide to text mom first. She said she would pick me up, and how she is sorry about last night but, I just avoided it, and said Justin is picking me up. I then text Justin to tell him I'm awake. I stand up and grab my bag so I can go change but, remember I don't know where the bathroom is." Ryan where's your bathroom?"I ask feeling stupid as ever because I've been here before I remember but, I just don't remember where the dang bathroom is." Down the hall." He says. I walk down to the bathroom to find it very small but nice. I quickly change, and come back to the living room.
    As soon as I'm about to sit on the couch I get a text that says"I'm here!" I say bye to Ryan, and walk out the door and straight to his car. I open the door to get into his ca,r and sit down. I look over to find him smiling at me. I look at him into his beautiful weird color eyes. We stare at each other in complete silence. I start to realize I didn't know the complete love story before. They say you may not remember the one you love but, your heart always remembers. Some might say this is complete silence is just awkward or weird but I see it as we are figuring each other out. Your heart can go into various directions to the one you love. I realize mine is sitting right in front of me. He already made his move, and maybe this could be mine. I don't care if it's in a car in a parking lot to a apartment complex. Some love story's start in weird places, and I guess mine could start in a weird place to. So quickly I just decide to put my hands on his cheeks, and kiss him. He seemed slightly surprised but, went with it. As i hear a big bang , it made me jump and pull away. I look out the windshield to find Ryan smirking." Oh did I interrupt something?" My face turns bright red and so does Justin's but, even darker. So I just sit there giving Ryan a death stare." Well Arrie you left your phone charger, and I was about to drive over to mom, and dads till I walk out to find you two well do I have to explain ? Well here take your phone charger because I need to go out, and bleach my eyes. Have a good day Mr. And Mrs. I'm so telling mom, and dad about this!" He says. I'm now getting mad at Ryan and my self about this situation. He is about to walk back into his apartment but I yell." Dangit Ryan get back here!" He walks over to my window and says"Yes madam?" I honestly want to hit him right now but, I'm in a bad position." If I give you twenty bucks will you keep this from mom, and dad?" He nods. I give him his bribe money and watch his 22 year old self trot into his house like a five year old. I sit back and look over at Justin. He looks so confused and tired." I'm sorry about that." I say with a calm and quiet voice." I-if I tell you something you won't get mad o-or not want to be friends with me again. Right?" I nod and he continues." I-uh um like you." He says kind of shyly." Well I hope so we just made my brother go, and bleach his eyes out." We both let out a small laugh." I like you to. You do realize we've been sitting in this car for twenty minutes with out actually going anywhere." I say." Well I guess we should get going. Does me lady want to go to the park?" He says in a weird accent." Yes, and the handsome boy trying to do what I think is a British accent should come to." I say. We finally take off in his car out of the parking lot.
While we were driving to the park I just sat there smiling as big as ever. He gives me happiness when I need it most. I know it's not an official thing going on but, he has been there since the day I woke up from my second coma when my parents wasn't. He was there and they weren't. I feel bad I don't remember much before the coma, and I wish I did. As I feel the car come to a stop I look out my window to find we are at are destination. I feel a tap on my shoulder bringing me out of my own little world. I look over to find Justin with a big devious smile." Race you to the swings!" He yells jumping out of the car faster than I could get my seat belt off. I jump out, and slam the door and start running. Knowing me not being in the best shape I'm behind but, not very far.

Me being me I wasn't paying attention, and I stepped in a hole. Also it didn't help that I'm clumsy." Are you alright Arrie ." He says running over to me panting."Yeah just a little bit of scrapes." Justin holds out his hand to help me up, but as soon as I put pressure on my left ankle I fall back down. A wince from the pain going threw out my leg knowing I'll have to go back to the hospital even though I was there a month and half ago." Your not alright Arrie come on I'm taking you to the doctor." He says." I can't walk how am I going to get to the car?" I ask. Suddenly it hits me but, I guess he already thought of that sooner. He picks me up bridle style, and I automatically put my arms around his neck. He starts walking back to the car, and I close my eyes knowing it's going to be at least thirty minutes to get to the hospital. But, during me dozing off he kiss my forehead and says." I hope one day I get to do this with you wearing a white dress, and a ring on your finger." I smile hoping that will happen one day. He sits me in the car and closes the door.

Off to my new hell.

Hello people! I actually updated and will hopefully be updating soon. Because of school I don't get to update and write many chapters so hopefully I will soon. So I hoped you liked the new chapter and please check out my other books if you like this one! I will update soon.~ Nelly_thefangirl

Remember me .Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora