Chapter 9

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My parents  didn't know I was at there house. Well I guess it's my house to. Even though I've only been in it twice. She was so surprised that I was sitting in my room talking to a human being. I wonder if she was thinking how I got into the house.

    I have very few memory's of my parents. This makes feel like I don't belong here. Like I never even grew with them in this refuge.
          My mother let me and Justin stay for dinner and talked about tomorrow.
The thing is though, I have this feeling that I shouldn't go to the school tomorrow. Like something bad will happened. Its just a stupid feeling that doesn't matter. I think. It's pretty dark outside so I just stare out the windows at the lights while Justin drives. He takes me out of my thoughts and says " Hey Arrie. Well is it okay that I call you that?" I nod and he keeps speaking." You want me to teach you how to drive?" He finishes. I give him a friendly smile and at the darkest of night we are in a old abandon parking lot. "Are you sure you want to teach me. I'll probably end up wrecking your moms car." I say. He smiles and looks down and back up with a little laugh.
"You'll be fine. And if you are close to wrecking I'll steer you away." He says.

        I did pretty good for my first time driving well at least I think it is my first time driving. We walk into the hospital and some of the nurses have learned my name easily. They say hi and ask how I have been doing and what I did today and all that friendly stuff. Me and Justin go and visit Emily. When we enter the room she looks like she is going to sleep and then BAM! Beep beep beep beep beep. Repeatedly Justin starts crying and runs out of the room screaming for a nurse. "What's wrong?" She asks
"I don't k-know I thought she was s-sleeping." He says and a bunch of people come storming in pushing us out of the door way. He keeps crying even more. I hold out my arms for a hug.

               I know I didn't know Emily  for very long but I started crying my self. "She's gonna die. She's gonna di-"
"Shhhh. She isn't gonna die."I whisper. He is sobbing in my shoulder. Some would find this weak but I find this Caring and strong. He has been strong so long that he needs to let out his emotions to make him stronger.

       He lifts his head up and looks at me . His eyes are red and glassy and tears are still going down his face. I force a weak smile and Whisper " It's alright. She will be okay. Wait! Where is your mom." He lets go of me and starts running. I follow even though I don't know where I'm even going. I start running out of breath but push my self to keep running till I need to stop and sit down against the wall.
" Justin !" I yell. He turns around and runs to me. "Arrie are you okay?" He asks
"I'm-having-trouble-breathing." He makes out  what I'm saying and picks me up and starts running and yells runs to my room and presses the emergency button. I'm starting to get dizzy and starting to see black dots every where making my vision blurry. A couple of people enter my room and my eyes start closing.

Okay short! But I needed a ending and I'm sorry that I made this a cliff hanger and I will update soon! ~ Nelly_thefangirl

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