Chapter 1

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I'm sitting in a seat in what it looks like a cafeteria. A bunch of people talking, laughing, and eating. There is a kid sitting in the corner all alone. He has a fringe and what looks like a mix of grey, and brown eyes sitting there reading The perks of being a wall flower . For some reason no body looks familiar but him. His name is at the tip of my tongue. I know it I just can't remember. All a sudden I yell "Justin" he looks at me and straightens his torso and he disappears and I find my self with my eyes wide open.  "What was that?" The nurse asked. "Nothing." I yell quickly and nervously. But, of all people I remember why does he come to mind?"Are you okay?  Are you hungry?" She says. "Yes, and a definite yes ma'am!" I say She chuckles and says "Well we will defiantly get you some food." I sit back and relax till my food comes, and I devour it in probably  the first five seconds it was given to me. All I want right now is coffee. Come on it can be coffee beans, and I'll be fine. Or Starbucks. I'll even be fine with that.

I've been asking for caffeine since I've woken up. I'm aloud to run around the hospital so I can stay 'fit'. Like that will ever happen. When I get my memory back and I finally get to go home I'll be on my couch stuffing pizza rolls in my mouth. Wait. Where do I live?  As I'm about to ask that question three people walk in and one is all jumpy and happy. Who are these people? "Arianna your okay! I thought you would be dead or-or  dang it! Courtney help me out here!" The girl that I assume is Courtney starts smiling. "Um, who are you guys? And can some one tell me where I live ?" I ask questionably. "Arianna? Remember me Riley,Courtney, and Kelly." She says pointing at each of them."I don't remember any of you. But, can you three answer a question for me?" I plead. "Yeah, sure what ever you need." Kelly says. And I know all three of them are sad by there expressions. "Who is Justin?" I ask. "You mean that nerd boy that reads at lunch and wears band t-shirts a lot?" I give her a confused look."I guess." I say questionably. They all look like they could cry, and the Kelly girl is starting to get on my nerves. Her voice is to preppy. The nurse comes in and says visiting hours or up and says I should get some rest. I need dreams full of memory, and that's the last I remember before I slip into sleep.

Yo people ! Well this is pretty short and if any body has instructive criticism give it because I'm not that good of a writer so I hope ya'll like and will update soon! ~ Nelly_thefangirl

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