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   I wake up having no clue wear I am. My vision is all blurry and I feel sleep deprived. I hear "Arianna your awake."I see a woman with grey eyes and long brown hair, and a man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. There staring at me like they have seen a ghost. "Why are you staring at me? Who are you?"I say . They look heart broken. " Sweetie we are your parents." I search hard in my memory for these two unknown people to have a memory of me running around in a back yard. Wait. My back yard and being picked up by the strange man. " Mom! Dad!" I say and give them big hugs and they both kiss my head which make's me smile.A nurse comes in with a big smile. "Hello Ariana. How are your feeling?" She says with a happy tone.

  I think these nurses are to cheesy. All nice and stuff I wish they would just say 'hey this is what's wrong with you.' but nope. They have to be all happy and rainbows and have to add a pot of gold to it. "I'm just a little tired and I don't remember anything. Actually, how did I get here ?" The doctor just looks down at her feet and sighs." Arianna you were in a coma. You might remember things but you might not." She says sadly. "But, what did I do to get here?" I say raising my voice a little to show she better give me a answer before I jump out of this bed and attack her. "When you were running in the woods you got shot by a near by hunter who thought you were a deer. Your brain started filling up with blood." I don't remember any of this, but she did say I would have trouble remembering things. So, I just nodded and started to fall asleep and hope my dreams are filled with many memories.


Okay this is my second book I've ever made. And my first book isn't really that popular or good it's more on the cheesy side. And it's not even finished so I hope you people like it ! ~Nelly_thefangirl

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