Chapter 18

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I walk through the school hallway all alone. Every one in the hallways are leaving to go home, and get away from this prison we call a school. Since I don't have a car, and the bus already left I decide to just walk home. As I'm about half way down the street I hear my phone ding. It says "Look beside you." I hesitantly look to my left, and find a car. "I thought I told you I would take you home?" Justin says.
"And I thought I told you not to text and drive." I say.
"Just get in." He says. I quickly jump in and throw my book bag in the back."Question how did you know where I was?" I say.
"I got my ways" he gives me a cheesy smile, and starts to drive. After a few minutes of small talk we finally get to my house. I grab my book bag, and get out but he looked kind of sad that I was leaving. "Do you want to stay over for a while?" I say. He grins." I thought you would never ask." He gets out and we enter through the front door. I start heading up stairs into my room in till I hear "Arriana Fae come here!" What does she want now. I think. "Head up into my room I'll be there in a second." I say quietly. He nods and heads up into my room while I head to the kitchen." Yes mother?" I say.
"You didn't ask if he could come over. But, it's fine for just this one time. Okay?" I nod, and head back up to my room. As I walk in I find Justin admiring a picture. As I get closer I can see the picture. It was me, and Ryan when we were younger. I put my head on his shoulder while standing on my
tip toes because he is taller than me. After a few seconds he says. "I would have loved to meet this little girl. But, now she is all grown up. Strong and beautiful. Did I mention she's beautiful?" My face gets all red, and I let out a small laugh." I may be beautiful to you but, what about you?" I say.
"What about me?" I couldn't think of anything so nothing came out of my mouth. "That's what I thought. Hey you know Nate and Courtney want to see you." He says. I think back has hard as I can but I don't remember either of them." Who are they?" I asks. He puts his hands to his forehead and says"Oh that's right you probably don't remember them."he says." Well will I ever meet these people?" I say with a smile. "Soon." He says grinning. I sit down on my bed and say." Now about your question earlier. Your handsome, and awesome, and my best friend." I say. His face turns ruby red. Justin sits down right beside me, and says." You really need to stop saying nice things about me that's not true."
"It is true. Now stop saying negative things about your self." I push the hair from his fringe out of his face, and smile." Because I don't see nothing wrong with who you are."I say. I hug him while he slowly puts his arms around me. He has been really hesitant about hugging me, and touching me. He wasn't like that before I lost my memory   I think. I move my head back." You'll stop being negative about your self right?" He nods." Good. Hey do you want to take a trip to the woods behind the house." He is eyes get wide." What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing." He says. "Are you scared of the woods?" I ask. "Uh sure you can say that." He says nervously." Okay then let's go. You'll be fine." I say. We walk down the stairs through the back door, and through the fence. As we walk on the path I notice Justin is kinda half staring at me, half looking around. "Is something wrong." I ask." Just to um-e- uh make sure nothing happens can we- um- uh hold- um uh..." I figured out what he was trying to say, and just grabbed his hand. He smiled. He still looked tense but not as bad. A we kept walking I find a latter leading up to a tree house. I stop and look up at it. It's small, and has two windows. I got curious, and let go of Justin's hand decided to start and climb it." Wait! You could hurt your self up there!" He says."I'll be fine." I say." It looks well built anyways so it's not like it's gonna break" Justin sighs loudly to show in driving him insane." What happens if you fall, and become in to a coma again?" He says. I step down from the latter I was on and go up to him." If I can go threw two comas, and survive I think I can survive another." I say kind of angrily." Can you at least do this another time. I thought we were supposed to be walking." He says. "Okay, I won't go in to the tree house. But only for one thing!" I say.
"What's that?" He says. "Ice cream!" I say loudly. He picks me up bridle style, and says." I guess I could get ice cream for my hyperactive princess." He smiles widely while I slightly hug him. He is honestly my best friend in the whole entire world.

Hello killjoys! Aye this is kinda a bad chapter but I hope at least you liked it and I just found out this books has over 300 views! So thank you to all who have voted for this book and read it. Please check out my book Life as a Pearson! Any ways I hope you guys likes it and I'll update soon!~Nelly_thefangirl

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