Chapter 6

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                It's eight o' clock on a Friday night and I'm sitting here sitting watching a scary movie with a boy that is now my friend. His mother who was a nurse worked late so he got to stay long enough to watch a movie. He pulled up his chair right beside my bed. I'm not afraid of scary movies but I wasn't paying attention and then I looked back for five seconds and a object scared the living freaking dark crap out of me and I ducked behind Justin and stuffed my face in his shoulder. He smiled and laughed. But you could tell he had a hint of nervousness in his laugh. At that exact moment my brother walks in." Hey Arianna,  and hey dude that is sitting next to my sister that I don't know." He said quiet fast.
"Ryan this is my friend Justin. His mother is the nurse that takes care of me. So what are you doing here?" I ask
"Okay mom and dad Couldn't make it so they told me to tell you . Your going to high school Monday. Just for a day. Maybe you'll see people and remember some more things. Then soon you'll be able to come home. "
"But, I don't know where my classes are. I won't know any body, and I won't know my teachers." I say
"Hey, Jayden or what ever your name is I see you go to the school she goes to. Can you show her?" He says sternly.
"Yeah, I guess. If that's find with Arianna. But, how do you know that we go to the same school?" Justin says nervously.
"Your sweat shirt says so. And are you fine with him showing you around?"Ryan asks.
"Yeah, sure."
"Here is your packet that has your schedule and stuff and student I.D. Oh, and the doctors are giving you a memory test tomorrow. Try to do the best you can. I know it's only been two weeks but, try." Ryan walks out. That went lovely  I thought.

" Um, do you want me to stay and finish the movie or leave?" He says.

"You can stay but, tell me more about your self. Besides me being your only friend." I say

"My parents are divorced. I have a little sister named Emily. I used to be bullied. I read a lot ... I mean a a lot as in I'm a big book geek. I have never had girl friend. The hospital is pretty much wear I love besides my house,  and that's pretty much it." He says.

"Wears Emily at ? I want to meet her."I say.
" Emily is a Cancer patient. She is down the hall. She is strong. One of the most strongest eleven year old that I have ever met. " he says. His eyes are filling with tears and I feels bad. He is a few inches taller than me so I have to arms don my tip-e-toes to give him a friendly hug to show I'm here for him.
" I'm sorry." I say." I didn't mean to make you cry."
"You didn't" he says letting go." Come on you should meet her." He says. Wiping his tears off his face.

As we walk in she is watching a Disney channel show. Laughing. She is truly a strong beatiful girl. "Hey, Emily. This is my friend Arianna. She was recently in a coma and is gaining her memory and she would like to meet you." He says. She smiled widely
"Hi, my names Emily. You can sit down in this chair of you would Like." She said. Pointing to the chair next to her. "Thank you." I say." I heard you have cancer. Your so strong. Your probably  the most strongest eleven year old I've ever met. A lot stronger than I was at eleven." I say.
I made her smile wide. The biggest smile I've ever seen on some one. "That's the nicest thing some one has ever said to me." She says she sits up and gives me a big surprising hug " Give her one and turn to look back to see Justin smiling and I saw a tear go down his face. He exited and I told her I would see her tomorrow and that I have to ask her brother something.

"Are you alright?"I ask he gives me a long unexpected hug.
"Thank you. I haven't seen her smile that big since i don't know maybe she hasn't ever." He says
"Your welcome."I say "she is a good girl, and Beautiful." He is still hugging me  in the hallway. His mother passes by us and stops. "Hey you two. How's it going?"
"Mom, I wished you seen it. Arianna made a beautiful speech. Emily smiled bigger than than the moon. It was amazing." He said smiling real big looking into my eyes. After a few seconds his mom clears her through the which breaks are gaze." Well I need to check up on a few things and we will be leaving soon so go gather your stuff Justin. I will see you tomorrow Arianna." She said.
"Bye. See you tomorrow?" He says
"See you tomorrow." I say giving him a simple smile.
After he leaves I go to my hospital bed and think over what just happened. He could have kissed me. I thought. And I start drifting off with happiness.

Wow what was that like three updates today !? Well this was a really long chapter and well I hope you like it ! ~ Nelly_thefangirl

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