Chapter 8

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When we show up at what I'm guessing is the mall I walk in and see stores. I remember some names of the stores but yet then i don't. Justin takes me into a store where the sign is just a apple bitten into it. I'm taking a guess it's called apple pie or something like that. Justin interrupts my amazement and says ."We're getting you a phone. Then you will have a way to get a hold of me or your mom,dad,brother, any of your friends. A sister from another mister."He stands there in awkward silence with only the sounds of other people's conversation." No Not funny? Okay. So we need to go get a person who works here to help us get you a phone." He says.
" Okay. But what I really need is something to keep me occupied at times. Oh like a,  I don't know a book." I say. His eyes got wide and bright. " You know what there kinda busy right now so let's go to the-" He said as fast as he could he grabbed my hand and started pulling me so we could go to the bookstore faster. "Okay, so out of all the books you really need to read  is this series. The hunger games. You will love it and I'm not responsible for any of your feelings being hurt.  I also gladly respect how many times you want to re-read it."he says
"Okay. I will." I say.
"Okay now Arianna. Do you want to hang out at your house instead of the hospital for a while I still have the key." He says. Holding it I front of my face. "Sure. But,  after we go to Starbucks. I'm tired and the hospital doesn't have a machine there."I say.

Turns out there was a Starbucks in the mall so right after we got are caffeine we went straight to my house. When I'm about to open the door my hand is shaking. Do I really want to go through this again? Who knows I could remember something so bad that I could go into an anxiety attack.

But, isn't that the point? To remember. Good or bad? Who knows. I'm one big mess. I guess I took to long with my thoughts cause' Justin just opened my door and threw me over his shoulder. Which surprisingly he could pick me up and I didn't spill my caffeine. "Put me down!" I say while laughing. He starts going up the stairs and yells."Never!" I'm smiling my head off and laughing. He opens another door and sets me on my bed, and he sits on a chair I have in my old room.
"What was that for?" I ask.
"You were thinking to much. And you looked like you were gonna cry so I tried to make you happy."he says
" Well you certainly did." I give him a wide smile. Bu,t In that moment you can't help that your the only two in the room together but happy. That's what I want to remember. The good happy moments that make you even happier when you think about them. That's what I want to remember. That's what I will always remember.

Okay... This is short and I most likely  will probably will start   Updating on the weekends maybe during the week. I honestly don't have a schedule for updating. As in i have a book that has not been update for like 2 months so ... Will update soon as I can and hope you guys like it ~Nelly_thefangirl

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