Chapter 4

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After Justin left I just sat there wondering why he left. Is there some secret he doesn't want me to know. Maybe he knows something I don't know about my self and he feels bad about it and is scared he will say something wrong.

The nurse comes in and gave me my Medicine to help my brain heel and not make me look like a horse doing the nae nae. There allowing me to go home a little bit to see if I regain any memory. Since my parents are at work Justin has to drive me. I don't even know where my house is sadly.

The car ride was awkward. The only thing he said was that I got to choose the music on the radio. But, mostly I just looked out the window. Seeing if anything looked familiar. I see a play ground. In my eyes I see a little girl and her big brother playing on the play ground. " I remember" I whisper.
"What?" He says.
" I remember playing on this play ground with my brother. And another little boy pushing me off the swing and him defending me. I remember my mother making cake, and ice cream for him protecting me. He got a few bumps and bruises. But, he said the only thing that mattered was that I was okay." I say.
"He must have loved you a lot."
"Yeah ... He must."
We pull into the drive way of a White House. "Your parents gave us a key to get in to the house. Here ." He says while dropping the key into my hand. "Don't you want to come in?" I ask confused.
"Nah. It's not my house." He says while looking at his feet.
"It's fine. Plus what happens if I end up falling down the stairs  and I need help." I say sassily.
"Sure what ever u say." He says.
Justin gets out of the car and I just sit there staring at him. "Aren't you getting out?" He asks.
"Oh, yeah sorry."
I go up to the front door and let out a big sigh, and hope that my brain. A memory-less wonderland, will remember.

Well here is a new chapter. I don't know if you call this a cliff hanger ... But hope you guys like it ! ~ Nelly_thefangirl

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