“You really shouldn’t be eating you’re still the fat little girl we all knew,” she scoffs.

I raise my eyebrows at what she was saying and you’re probably thinking she’s going to think she’s fat now and stop eating the bowl of cereal she has in her hands but nope I’m not going to because I know I’m not fat I barley hit 110 and most of that is muscle. Instead I eat the whole bowl of cereal and then I eat another bowl in front of her. She just scoffs and mutters under her breath thinking I couldn’t hear her but I could since my senses are better than anyone because I’m just not anyone I’m the Moon goddess’s daughter, “What a pig,” she mutters.

Yeah but at least I don’t look like a slut bag and might be forming a muffin top. I think to myself but I might have let my mind block loose a little because I could hear snickers of laughter in my head.

“Now don’t be saying that Paige, even if she does deserve it,” Peter speaks up.

“Yeah well I will do what I want and you can’t do anything about it,” I snicker.

“You want to bet on that sweetheart.”

“You’re on.”

“Let the best mate win.”

Yeah let the best mate win, I think to myself and I won’t hold back either. Mwahahahah.

That sounded kind of evil but who cares. I think I made my evil face because Riley was looking at me scared and kind of backing out the kitchen as Morgan comes bounding to me to give me a hug. She does every morning which I love. She’s like a sister I’ve never had.

“Morning Paige you ready to help train?”

“Of course I’m ready to kick some mate butt if you ask me and I won’t hold back either,” I wink.

“I bet you won’t but don’t get hurt. I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt or killed,” she adds with a sad look.

“I won’t, don’t worry about me. I’m stronger than I look.”

“I bet you are. I’m just a worry wart though,” she finishes with a small smile.

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