Smack! A red spot grew on my face. He just hit me...

For the first time ever I was hit, and it was by my manager.

For a good minute we just stood there. There was a silence between us perhaps our minds bouncing back and forth between whether that really happened or not.

His eyes flashed two emotions, regret and anger.

"Just stay out."

As he entered the room he returned to his main goal. With a bitter cheer he woke all the boys up. They only had an hour of sleep. No one can understand the feeling of being sleep deprived for weeks and still are forced to smile in front of people who admire you. Forced to dance. Forced to sing.

Being a celebrity? It was nothing I expected.


Green moss was the only thing that decorated the gray walls around me.

Over my shoulder was my duffel bag with a few of my necessities.

I ran away...

We were in a photoshoot and yet again I had gotten into another argument with my manager, and to make it worse the boys sided with him.

I wouldn't blame them though. They didn't know the whole story.

And at first I'd only taken a walk to cool down, but ended up running away.

"Hey that man looks familiar..."

"Who is he?"

"Wasn't he on t.v?"

It's been over an hour since I'd began wandering around, and the risk of people finding out who I was grew greater.

People stared at me, mumbling nonsense under their breaths. I did everything to act like a normal citizen. While sitting on the benches though a lady walked right up to me and called out my name, "Yi-yi Fan?"

Before I could react she already had me in her arms.

I was stunned by her boldness, but that only lasted for a minute. I stood up to overcome her height and nudged her away hoping we didn't attract any attention.

I brushed my coat free from her, and felt my stomach churn. I still felt disgusted. I thought I've gotten rid of my disgust for women after meeting Minhye; I thought wrong. I was about to walk away when the sound of sniffling rose to my ears.

As I jerked my head to the woman's direction, disgust continuously filled the pit of my stomach. She had pale skin and the creases of her eyes now wrinkled gently without her even trying.

It was the woman who caused me to be me.

My mother.

I wanted to be angry. I really did, but now seeing her in person I just couldn't. Minhye was right. I could've never hated her.

"My son." She said as stepped closer to me, but my body retracted. I wasn't ready just yet.

There was an awkward silence. I was afraid it was going get all sentimental. The fact that she cheated on my father still lingered in my mind. I should've know better though. That wasn't the type of woman my mother was.

She barely had any emotions.

She let the last of her tears fall, and the atmosphere was back to serious. "Son, we need to talk."


"Do you know how much you owe?" My mother asked.

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