chapter sixteen

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Harry's pov

I can't believe this. I can't believe this has happened yet again. I don't understand why we go back and forth so much. I really wish we didn't because it always ends up with either on of us hurting the other. I hate knowing I'm the reason why she seems so down all the time. It breaks my heart.

I care about her I honestly do, but sometimes I think we're better off not being friends and acquaintances like she said. However, I'm too selfish to let her go. I don't know what it is about her that I can't get enough of, but no matter how I try to stay away from her, like Taylor has warned my about more times than I can count, I can't seem to part from her.

Right now I'm currently sat in the dressing room feeling sorry for myself because again I've had another fight with Rory; however, this time she actually does seem to be done with me and my so called bullshit.

"Harry go talk to her. "I looked up to see Zayn sitting across from me playing on the x box.

"There's no point. She doesn't want a bar of me."I huffed.

"Did she tell you that or are you telling yourself she said that? "He asked, pausing the game.

"She did. She said she's done with me. Doesn't want to be friends with me, we're only business partners and that's it."I replied.

"What did you say to her? "He asked.

"What do mean what did I say to her? "I asked confused.

"Harry you can't possibly tell me she doesn't want anything to do with you with no reasoning for it. What did you say to her to push her over the edge? "He asked.

"I may or may not have called her a jealous bitch and said I was sick of her bullshit and also accused her of wanting to pick fights with me because she gets and adrenaline rush out of it."I replied. Thinking back to what I said sounds horrible, no wonder she doesn't want a thing to do with me.

"No wonder she doesn't want anything to do with you. Thats harsh man."Zayn said, shaking his head.

"I know that now, but she was making me so angry. "I replied, sighing.

"Harry you can't just say whatever comes out of your mouth in the heat of the moment no matter how pissed at Rory you become. "

"I know, I just don't know how to fix it. It's going to be even harder to apologise since we aren't doing a duet anymore. "I replied.

"I heard about that, care to explain to me why that is. I mean from what I've heard and read on twitter everyone loved the duet last night." Zayn said.

"Well discussed it with Taylor when we first started rehearsing and she didn't really seem to mind, to be honest she was too engrossed with her phone to pay attention to what I was saying. But that's not the point. The point is that when Taylor called this morning and asked me about it I told her and then she went off. Saying that it's not appropriate singing a love song with someone who I once dated as well as having a girlfriend isn't right. "

"Do you think that as well, that it's not appropriate to sing a love song with your ex whilst having a girlfriend?"

"I mean I get where she's coming from but I would've thought she'd trust me to stay loyal to her. She knows there's no chance on Rory and I getting back together, so I don't understand why she's so upset about it."

"Like how you were meant to stay loyal to Rory when the two of you were dating but then you went ahead and cheated on her with Taylor who has from the beginning brought Rory down, calling her names, breaking you two apart as soon as you invited her to the zoo."

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