"Well when you didn't show up to pick Ender up from school they called me as the secondary contact and said they couldn't get ahold of you so I picked him up and took him to your house. You had left your phone on the counter and we didn't know where you were." She took a deep breath.

"So I called the police and they said they couldn't file a missing persons report until it had been 24 hours so I had Ender spend the night with me and the next day you still weren't back so I took him to school and waited at the police station all day until I had to pick him up. They sent out a missing persons alert that night and the next day they sent out a search group. They found the boat that night at that cove where you dive and you were almost unconscious."

Her arms were folded anxiously across her stomach as she explained.

"After they got you back they helicoptered you straight back here to run tests and everything. You were lucky Carter, if they hadn't've found you you could been way worse."

I sat there blankly, taking it all in.

"Yeah and Ashton called me yesterday freaking out because he'd been trying to call you for days and you hadn't answered. Said he had to go through like five people to get my number and he about had a heart attack when I told him." She added and I know she didn't mean to, but the stacks of guilt bricks on my shoulders became even heavier.

"Oh my God." I sighed. "I'm so sorry."

"What, why?" Ari asked, standing up straighter.

"Because I put you guys through so much and I didn't have my stupid phone and- Ah God I'm so stupid- I'm so sorry." I fumbled.

"Carter stop. Just shut up and stop that right now." Ari rolled her eyes, getting kind of miffed. "We were worried about you. You didn't inconvenience any of us, not when you are our family, okay? All we want is for you to be alright."

"But-" I began and she cut me off.

"We may be in a hospital but I won't hesitate to knock you out. No one is mad at you, please relax and just- just- just get better." She pleaded and I gave in.

"Okay. Okay, I'm sorry." I nodded and she visibly relaxed.

The door opened and Jason and who I assumed must be my nurse walked in.

He was a tall man with brown hair and brown eyes, maybe in his thirties and had a tan complexion.

"Halle Chase, my name is Parker and I'll be your nurse while you're here. Do you mind if I check your vitals really quickly?"

"Sure." I nodded and he began to do things like check my pulse and shine a small flashlight in my eyes.

A ringing from the corner of the room had Ann scurrying over from the circle of people that surrounded my bed to her purse.

"Five bucks says its Ashton again." She chuckled and then held it up. "Yup!" She smiled.

She quickly walked to the hallway and answered it and all I could hear were her muffled words through the closed door.

"Is he mad?" I asked Ari as Parker moved away for a second.

"Not mad, but I'm pretty sure you scared the hell out of him." She admitted with a shrug.

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