Chapter 6: The Voice

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Gabriella's POV

I was sitting in Mrs.Smith's class, which is my lame ass math class. The teacher was teaching us how to fucking multiply and divide radicands. I was so bored, when all of a sudden Patrick's hand rubbed against my leg. "What the fuck are doing, Patrick," I whispered. He was still rubbing against my leg, silently. I wanted him to stop but my body froze. "Why the hell can't I move my body? What am I feeling?" I began to blush slightly. "P-Patrick. Please...stop." He still wouldn't stop, but he finally spoke to me. "How does it feel, Gabby? Besides, I'm surprised you haven't stopped me by now." My face began to blush brighter than before. Then, at the strangest moment, I heard a calming voice. "Just relax, my child. It'll all be over soon. Enjoy it while you can." "What the fuck was that? Who was that? The voice was so calm and tempting." I continued my notes as Patrick continued to rub against my leg. His hand slowly moved up on my leg, closer to my area. My body quickly began to shiver as his hands moved closer to my area. I began to give slight moans. "P-Patrick, please stop." I put my head down on my desk and I started to pant. I began to breath harder. Finally, he stopped. "Why did he stop? It was beginning to feel...good." I rose my head up off my desk and he smiled at me. "What's the matter, Gabby?" I blushed and said, "I'm just...f-fine, Patrick." He smiled at me and began to write his notes. "How did it feel my child?"  My eyes got wider, "Who are you?"

I realized that the voice didn't answer out loud, it was in my head, so I decided to talk to it through my thoughts. "Who are you and what do you want with me?"  The voice giggled and said, "My name is Riku. I am the "Voice of Temptation". I've been watching you for a long time now and I've noticed that there is something missing. Now, be honest with me, didn't feel good when Patrick touched you? Don't lie to me. If you do lie to me, I can easily tell him to do it again. Watching you squirm was highly enjoyable. So tell me, how did you feel?"  What was I suppose to say? My body went into an automatic shudder."It felt..." I paused, blushing until my face was completely red. "It felt amazing. I never felt something like that before. But why did you pick me and not anyone else?" She went silent, but she chuckled a little. "Like I said, I've noticed you were missing something. Your body is so sensitive. Even the slightest touch and you begin to moan. I have to say, I can't wait until you feel the full effect." What the fuck is the full effect? Could this mean that she was there when I felt something with Andrew? "I would like to observe you more, if you don't mind? I want to see how you would react to certain things that I'll put in your way. I hope you have fun...Gabriella."  I heard nothing but her laughter fade. Patrick's hand waved in front of my face. "W-What," I said, as I jumped back in shock. "What's going on? What did I miss?" Patrick laughed at me. "What's the matter with you? You're acting like you've seen a ghost." I wanted to tell him everything that just happened to me, but even if I did, he probably thought that I was crazy or something. "Who was this woman? Why was she observing me in the first place? Why am I a target to temptation? And what did she mean by "I hope you have fun?" My mind was wondering all over the place. "What the fuck," I said as I put my hands over my face. Whoever this person was, I know that I have to prepare myself for whatever was about to happen and whatever the fuck that shit was....I hope that I might get to feel that same feeling again.

The Demon CallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora