Chapter 5

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Patrick's POV

I sat in the back of the classroom with all of my friends, with headphones in my ears. I was listening to Fall Out Boy: Centuries "Gabriella is a very unique girl," I thought to myself. "I can tell that she's different from the last girl I've meet. I think she's really pretty and an amazing gamer. I wonder..." My music and my thoughts were quickly interrupted, by a hand waving in my face. I quickly took off my hoodie and took out my headphones. "What's going on," I asked in shock. Gabby looked at me and said, "The teacher was calling attendance and for the students to come up and get their schedules for school. I'll go get yours when I get mine." She quickly turned her head as she heard the teacher call her name. I watched as she got up from her desk, to go get the papers. "Just imagine, all of the things that I could do to her sexy ass body. I would totally destroy it and make it all mine."  My thoughts were everywhere and I couldn't focus straight. She came back to her desk and handed me my papers. I looked over all of the classes that I have and placed my hoodie over my head and headphones back into my ears. The song had changed so now I was listening to Maroon 5: Animals. I didn't really care who I had for my classes because I already knew. I saw a hand waving in front of my face, again. I removed my hoodie and headphones and listened to what had to be said. Gabby handed me her phone, "I'm going to need your number, just in case I'm going to have to call you for something or maybe just to talk." I grabbed her phone and entered my information. "Awesome. I'll call you later on in the day, so we can get to know each other better," Gabby said with a warm smile.

I felt my heart beat faster as I looked into her eyes. They were so beautiful. I couldn't look away even if I wanted to. She grabbed my schedule off my desk and looked over it. "Wow, you have all of my classes, except for one. You're taking "digital design" and I'm taking "doctoring". But on the bright side, you'll still be walking with me, to all of my classes." She smiled and I smiled back. "Wow, I have all of her classes. I finally get to know her a little--"  I quickly heard her phone vibrate. "Oh sorry, that's Derrick calling me," she said as she answered the phone. "Hey baby." "What the fuck?!?! Did my ears just hear what I think they just heard? Did she just say, "baby"?  What does she want to call me for if she has a boyfriend?"  I pondered all of these questions in my head, but for some reason, I heard a voice. "Just wait a little longer, you'll have your chance." This voice sounded tempting and irresistible. I listened to this voice and told myself, "Just wait a little longer, I'll have my chance." The bell rang for us to go to our 3 period class, for me and Gabby, it was orchestra. I gathered my things as I walked onto class. Gabby followed me and asked me, "Hey Patrick, do you have a girlfriend?" I was shocked to hear those words come out her mouth. I replied, "No, I don't. Why do you ask, Gabby?" She went silent for a while and finally answered, "No reason." This voice that I heard, where did it come from? Why was to telling me to wait for my chance? Should I listen to this voice if it comes back? Whatever this voice was, I wanted to listen to it and never say, "No."

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