Chapter 34

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I looked around me everyone was mourning the loss of my father. Thranduil gave me the vile of medicine and now I am poison free. But also family free. I just lost them.

"Hey, little wolf" Uncle Balin said sitting next to me.

"Hey" I whispered.

"You know. Dain is taking over Erebor." He said.

"I know. I will leave as soon as possible." I said leaning into him.

"I am sorry, little wolf. I wish you could stay, but we all know how much he hates you" he said hugging me to him.

"Little wolf, I would like to speak to you" Dain called me.

"Coming" I walked over behind him. Amd into one of the rooms. "Look, I will leave soon so don't say anything. You don't need to" I said causing him to look at me in disapproval.

"Listen to me first" he said.

"Go ahead" I said with a nod toward him.

"I know I have never treated you in a good way, and I am sorry. I want you to stay here, beacause of you leave Dis will feel lonely and sad. She doesn't deserve that" he explained.

"Uncle Dain. I made my mind. I can't stay here. Thank you for the offer" I said with a weak smile.

"But you are welcome anytime you want to come over. This is your home" he said with a smile.

"What changed you? I mean you used to hate my guts?" I asked.

"You saved my life. Now I know I was being silly. My cousin loved you so much, more than anything in the world. And I would honor his love for you, little wolf" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you again, Uncle Dain. I will be leaving soon" I said with a weak smile.

"Why the rush?" He asked.

"If Dis arrived and I was still here she won't let me leave her side. Ever. And I am a Dunedain. We never sit still." I explained, bowing my head and walking out to get my stuff.

"You are leaving?" Uncle Dwalin asked.

"Yes, I am." I said looking at him with a smile.

"I will miss you little wolf. Take care of yourself" he said kising my forehead.

I exchanged goodbyes with the company and walked out into the wilderness. I have no idea if I will ever come here, but I will always know amd so will history. That I am Throin Oakenshield's daughter.

Thorin's Little WolfWhere stories live. Discover now