Chapter 3

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The dwarves were moving food from the storage to the dinning room while mister Bilbo tried to get them to put everything back to be meet with deaf ear.

"I am sorry about but they don't mean anything bad by it. I promise I will try to restock for you" I told the poor hobbit as I patted him on the back.

"It apears that we are one dwarf short" mumbled gandalf.

"He is late that's all. He traveled north to a meeting of our kin. He will come" Uncle Dwalin said.

"Yes, he will. He was so eager to go on the quest" I said with a smile.

"Lu , you little. You didn't even think of coming and saying hello" Uncle Dwalin said hugging me.

"You were busy with the dinnig table" I said and hugged him back.

"Mister Gandalf, a little cup of red wine as requested. It got a fruity bouquet" Uncle Dori gave Gandlaf a small cup of wine.

"Thank you" Gandalf said as he took it and drank it.

The dinning table as usual messy and if you don't reach out you don't eat. But in my case I don't reach out I get everything handed to me. After all I am their 'princess' as they call me.

Fili walked over the table handing everybody ale. They will start their drinking game. I huffed and got up from the table taking my plate with me.

I saw mister Baggins standing in the empty food storage.

"Mister Baggins, are you okay?" I called him to get his attention.

"No, I am not. I am surrounded by dwarves, and they emptied my storage room. I am totally not okay" he answered in a harsh tone.

"I was just making sure that's all" I shrugged.

He sighed, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to shout" he apologized.

"It's okay. Really" I said with a smile, "yeah, can you tell me. Where to put this? I am keeping it for my father. He is the leader of the company" I said.

"Oh. Keep it in there" he said pointing out at the kitchen.

"Thank you" I said with a smile and walked toward the kitchen.

"My dear Bilbo. What's the matter?" I heard Gandalf ask.

"What's the matter? I am surrounded by dwarves" he said.

"It's a quite merry gathering. You will get used to it" Gandlaf said.

"I don't want to get used to it" mister Bilbo said as he started to complain about his house being dirty because of the dwarves.

"Excuse me, I am sorry to interrupt. But what do I do with my plate?" Ori asked. Seriously, this guy is just cute and innocent.

"Here you go Ori give it to me" Fili said. I instantly knew what he will do.

"No fi..." I couldn't finish my sentence and Fili threw the plate at Kili Who threw it into the kitchen. They strated throwing the blates. The other dwarves started drumming and messing around with the knives and forks. Mister Bilbo told them they will blunt them and they strated throwing things around and singing as mister Bilbo stared in horror.

Blunt the knives, bend the forks
Smash the bottles and burn the corks
Chip the glasses and crack the plates
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

Cut the cloth, tread on the fat
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat
Pour the milk on the pantry floor
Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl
Pound them up with a thumping pole
When you're finished, if they are whole
Send them down the hall to roll

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

When they finished the song the baltes were clean and stacked. They all were laughing at mister Bilbo's face.

That was when three loud knocks were heard on the door....

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