Chapter 30

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Next morning, I woke up and walked over to father and the rest. Legions of Elves stood by the gate. And few hundreds of men.

Thranduil and Bard walked to the front of the army. Daddy shot at the feet of Thranduil's elk.

"I will put the next one between your eyes." He said. Thraduil's archers pulled out their arrows ready to shoot making the dwarves hide. He raised his hand and they lowered their wepons.

"We've come to tell you. Payment to your debt has been offered. And accepted." Thranduil said.

"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing." Daddy exclaimed.
Bard got the archenstone out and showed it to him, "we have this" he said. This caused ruckus in the dwarves.

"The king may have it. With our good will. But first he must honor his word" Bard said.

"The archenstone is in this mountain. It is a trick." daddy shouted.

"It's no trick, father. I gave it to them" I said stepping toward him. His eyes they are not of the man who raised me. He is different.

"You?" He said glaring at me.

"I took it as your daughter and offered to them. So you wouldn't need to go to war." I said.

"You would betray me. You the one I raised" he shouted grapping me by the shirt.

"I would do it again if it means helping you to the right path." I defended.

"You are the one to learn from me. Not the other way around. I am your father." He said.

"No ,you're not. My father is not here. The man I called father will not go back of his word" I said holding back my tears.

"Throw her from the rampart." He ordered but no one moved, "did you not hear me" he shouted then looked at me. "I will do it myself" he tried to push me but the rest tried to fight him off me. I broke down at that instant tears streaming down my face.

"Let go of her. I will return her to her uncle" Gandalf shouted, "you are not making a very splended figure as king under the mountain, Are you? Thorin son of Thrain." With that said daddy let go of me and I scrambled to the side looked at him for a while then jumped off shifting in the way down and landed next to Thranduil and shifted back to human.

"Are we resolved? The return of the archenstone for what was promised. Give us your answer. Will you have peace or war?" Bard asked.

"I will have war" daddy said. No you can't you will die I thought looking up at him. That was when I saw it. Legions of Dwarves coming down the mountain.

"Dain" I whispered.

"Good morning. How are you all? I have a wee prposition if you are giving me a few minutes of your time. Would ya consider. Just getting off. All of you. Right now " he shouted.

"Stand fast" Bard said.

"Come now, Lord Dain." Gandalf called.

"Gandalf the gray. Tell this rubble to leave or I will water the ground with their blood" he said.

"Uncle Dain. Please stand down. War is not an answer" I pegged.

"Oh little wolf. What are you doing down here with them and not with your father. Have you finally betrayed him?" He mocked. I lowered my head he always hated me from the first minute he saw me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Bard smiling at me sympatheticly.

"I will not stand down before any elf. No least this faithless woodland sprite he wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin I will split his pretty head open. See if he still smirking then" Dain said. I heard the others cheer.

"He's clearly mad. Like his cousin" Thranduil said.

"Do you hear that lads. Let's give these bastards a good hammering" Dain ordered them to attack.

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