Chapter 9

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We walked down under the rain. I hated water so much that I snuggled into Kili trying to avoid water as much as I can. It made me remember the time when I almost drowned.

Suddenly, I felt something covering me. I looked to see Fili smiling at me as he covered me with his cloak. They both know I hate water so much. Because of the one time that I almost drowned when I was playing with them. They don't know it's from before that incident.

A while later the rain stopped and I was quite content with that. We rode for a while until we came into a plain with an old run down house.

"We camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them." Daddy ordered around as I walked up to stand next to him. "You okay, little wolf?" He asked.

"I am fine daddy" I said with a smile.

"Oin, Gloin. Get a fire going" daddy said walking over to Gandalf with me tailing behind him.

"I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the hidden valley." Gandalf announced.

"I have told you already I will not go near that place" daddy said.

"Why not? The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice" Gandalf tried to reason.

"I do not need their advice" daddy said stubbornly.

"We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us" Gandlaf explained.

"Help? A dragon attacks Erebor. What help came from the Elves? Orcs plunder Moria desecrate our sacred halls. The Elves looked on and did nothing. And you ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather. Who betrayed my father." Daddy said.

"You are neither of them. I did not give you the map and key for you to hold onto the past." Gandalf said.

"I did not know they were yours to keep" daddy hissed and Gandalf left.

"Daddy, why did the elves betray us?" I asked.

"Because they are faithless and love to pretend that they are the nicest people on the land. Come on Bombur we're hungry" he said and went back in and sat next to me. "Hey, I noticed. You haven't shifted in a while." He pointed out.

"I am fine" I said snuggling into him.

"No you are not. Shift it will make you feel better" he told me with a smile. I nodded and shifted into my black wolf.

Suddenly, Fili and Kili came in running. "Trolls took two ponies and Bilbo has gone there to save them" they both shouted. We all ran to the place Kili ahead of us.

"Drop him" he shouted.

"You what?" Said one of them.

"I said drop him" Kili repeated, and that ugly troll threw Mr. Bilbo at Kili and they both fell on the ground.

"You stay hidden baby ,okay." daddy told me and he and the others jumped out, and fought the trolls. Who then finally managed to capture them and tied some of them upove fire.

"You think I don't know what you're up to?" One of the ugly trolls caught Mr. Bilbo that's when I decided to jump in.

I snarled at them and slashed at the arms of the one holding mister Bilbo.

"What's that? Can we eat it?" The other ugly creature said and I jumped at him making him fall.

"The dawn will take you all" Gandalf shouted and the idiots still talked about eating him. Those trolls are nasty.

Gandalf broke the rock and the trolls turned into stone. The dwarves were all saved and were shouting happily.

I went back into the woods to change back and get dressed. It will be embarassing to shift back between them naked, no way.

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