Chapter 14

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Luth's travel clothes. With pants instead of a skirt.


We moved early in the morning with the first light. I went back to the clothes I always wore.

"Be on your guard. We're about to step over the edge of the wild. Balin, you know these paths. Lead on. Master Baggins I suggest you keep up." daddy said.

"Aren't we suppose to wait for Gandalf?" I asked.

"No we move farther so they won't get us" daddy said. We moved farther into the mountain.

We walked for hours into the wild. Every step we took lead us away from Rivendell and more into the dangerous world. I was okay until I heard thunder and rain came pouring down. I held into Kili in fear he held me hard.

Suddenly, stones were starting to fall.
It is not normal stones don't fly like this. I shook in fear.

"This is no thunderstorm. This is thunder battle! Look " Uncle Balin shouted.

"Well, bless me. The legends are true. Giants! Stone Giants" Bofur shouted.

"Can they stop?" I whimpered snuggling into Kili, who hugged me hard.

"What's happening?" Kili shouted.

"Grab my hand!" Fili shouted at both of us.

"This is a giant not a mountain" I cried loudly. The others got in a safe place when our Giant fell. Our Giant then crashed into stone. That was when my vision darkened.

I woke up later in a cave wrapped into daddy's arms. I tried to move.

"Don't move. You are safe now" daddy whispered.

"No, you don't. You don't understand. None of you do. You're Dwarves. You're used to this life. To living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere!" I heard Bilbo shout whiper, "oh, I am sorry. I didn't..." he didn't continue however.

"No, you're right. We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." From Bofur's voice I knew he was holding his tears, "What's that?" He asked later.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Daddy shouted.
That was when the ground gave out and we all fell down to be ingulfed with Goblins. They got us and lead us through their halls. Until we reached the ungliest of them all, I think he is the king, well telling from the crown that is.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" He asked.

"Dwarves, your Malevolence" another one said.

"Dwarves?" He asked.

"Didn't you hear itm he said Dwarves" I said.

"Well, don't just stand there. Search them. Every crack. Every crevice." he ordered and the search began. "What are you doing in these parts? Speak! Very well. If they will not talk we'll make them squawk. Bring up the mangler. Bring up the bonebreaker. Start with the girl." He said and the Goblins grabbed me. I was ready to shift.

"Wait" daddy shouted coming into the front.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror King Under the Mountain. Oh, but I'm forgetting. You don't have a mountain. And you're not a king which makes you nobody, really." He mocked.

"Shut it you fat ugly bastard" I shouted angry he is mocking my dad.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head. Nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours. A pale Orc, astride a white Warg." He continued ignoring me.

"Azog the defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." Daddy said.

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you? Send word to the pale Orc. Tell him I found his prize." He said to another ugly one.

He started singing as they brought their tools. One of them grabbed me. And pulled me toward one of the tools. An explosion sounded and a bright light shone pushing them all behind.

"Take up arms. Fight" Gandalf said. That was all it needed we started fighting and running for a safe place. Away from those ugly creatures.

We ran and fought them until the Goblin king jumped infront of us on a bridge.

"You thought you could escape me." He said and started hitting around trying to hurt Gandalf.

"We know" I growled and was about to shift. I really want to bite his head off.

"What are you going to do now, Wizard? Like you can escape from me, never." He shouted. Gandalf hit him on the face with his staff, then slashed him across the belly with his sword.

"That'll do it" the Goblin king said and Ganalf slashed him on the neck. He fell causing the whole bridge to collapse and us to fall down.

"Well, That could have been worse" Bofur said and then the Goblin king fell us.

"You've got to be joking" I shouted while trying wiggle off from the woods.

"Gandalf" Kili shouted causing us to look up to see the Goblins following us down the slope.

"There's too many. We can't fight them." Uncle Dwalin shouted.

"Only one thing will save us, daylight!" Gandlaf said running and we all followed to the exit of the cave.

"That's makes 14. Where's Bilbo? Where is our Hobbit?" Gandalf asked.

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