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The airport was packed with people since it was Saturday and a day before the holidays. Kevin knew where to wait for his friend and looked at his clock. Still thirty minutes to go. He sat down and watched the people around him.

Families with multiple kids who had trouble dragging their luggages behind them. Business men and women who ran around to catch their flight. Young students on their way into their well deserved winter break.

A small band was performing at the other end of the big hall and the sound traveled from one corner to the other, filling the room with a soothing and uplifting sound. Kevin closed his eyes and focused on every single note, every single sound they made. His friend told him that by closing his eyes the only thing which influenced you was sounds or in this case music, and music could tell so much more than words. Kevin loved his friend truly. They always had the best time when they visited each other. Avi lived with his parents, although he was already 26, but once in a while they would meet for a week or so. His parents would live with his aunt and Avi would live with him. They were like brothers and that was the main reason why his parents trusted Kevin.

A door opened and out came a huge crowd. That was it. Kevin stood up and scanned every single person, looking for Avi. Then he spotted him. His brown hair had gotten longer, passed his shoulders and were covered with a black beanie. He still had the same clothing style, he looked up to lumberjacks and with his beard he really looked like one.
Kevin was smiling like a dork while waving to get the Kaplan's attention. Shelly, Avi's mother, saw him and the three of them walked over to him.

"Welcome back in Los Angeles!"

Kevin greeted his parents first, out of respect and because they had to leave to catch a taxi, since the aunt lived on the other side. Then he turned to Avi.

"Hey buddy. I missed you."

"I missed you too, Kev."

They both hugged and as they parted Avi held on to his bicep for support.

"Ready to go?"


Kevin took Avi's suitcase and made sure to walk not only for himself but also for Avi which meant, he made sure that no one would bump into him. They made it out of the airport and got into Kevin's car, talking about everything they could think about.
Avi worked from home. He wrote down the notes from choral and current songs and gained money with it to support his parents. He studied music and actually had a diploma but couldn't become a choir director for reasons. Still he enjoyed his job and never complained about it. He avoided singing for others though but no one knew why.

"Can I ask you something?"

Kevin turned down the radio after the both of them listened to their favorite song Cologne by Clean Bandit. Avi nodded and Kevin proceeded.

"A friend of mine wanted to throw a little sleepover party with just the three of us and I wanted to ask if you're down for tonight. He's really nice and he won't judge you I promise. Actually he was pretty hyper when I told him that I would ask you. What do you say?"

Avi was not sure. He never really had any friends besides Kevin. They often got annoyed after some time and left him alone when he wasn't interesting enough, but Kevin stayed. Everytime he met new people they would act as if they wanted to be his friends but when they saw that he wasn't capable of anything they went away.
Avi knew that Kevin only wanted to help him but he was sick of being hurt.

"Ah, Kevin I don't know.."

Avi fumbled with the hem of his shirt and kept his eyes on the road. He had a low voice but right now it had the frightened tone of a child's. Kevin parked the car in front if his apartment, detached his seatbelt and faced Avi.

"I know this is hard and honestly I wouldn't have asked you if I wouldn't have been sure that he would be nice. I promise that he won't hurt you and if.. you can always punch me."

A small smile played around Avi's lips and Kevin patted him on the knee softly causing him to flinch a little by the sudden touch. Kevin got out of the car and surrounded it, opening the door of the passenger seat to help Avi out. He grabbed firmly on Kevin's jacket and when they got his luggage they slowly walked inside the apartment.

"I haven't moved anything since you've been here the last time. You still remember where everything is right?"

Kevin told Avi while searching for the right key. Avi spent days walking around his apartment a few years ago to help himself if he should ever stay alone for a while. He liked the way Kevin set up his own room, it felt right.

"Of course. You have taste."

Avi showed his pearly white teeth and they entered, closing the door behind them.

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