"Sasuke, go grab me a t-shirt, and pants for her quick." He left, and I began to rinse the cloth. He came back shortly with a gray t-shirt, and stripped pink, black, gray, and white pants. "I'm going to need your help. Hold her while I put her pajamas on."

"Why me?" He asked surprised.

"Because, I don't trust Goemon. Plus, you see her as a sister." I said.

"You're right, I do see her as a sister. Let's hurry and put her in bed." Sasuke held her, as I pulled her torn shirt off. What I saw made me clench my hands in anger. Her stomach was covered in scratches and deep cuts. Not only that, but her stomach and ribs were bruised. The bruises were black and dark blue, and slightly purple.

I gently dabbed the cuts. Once I finished her stomach, I moved to her back. This made my anger boil. She had whip lashes/cuts scattered all over her back, even blisters. The worst was three long claw marks ran from her right shoulder to the bottom left of her back.

As I carefully cleaned her back, I glanced at Sasuke. His eyes held anger. After cleaning her back. I put some ointment to help with the stings. After that I carefully put her pajama shirt on. Judging by the bruises on her shoulder area, she broke a bone. Same for her ribs.

Next I undid her jeans. I pulled them down her slender legs, and off her injured feet. Her legs were also covered in cuts and bruises. There was one deep cut on her left thigh. It ran from mid thigh down to her knee. I cleaned those cuts as well and put ointment on them. After that was done I put her pajama pants on. Sasuke combed her silky caramel like brown hair.

I picked her up, and walked into her room. Sasuke pulled the soft white blankets back. I laid her in the middle of the bed. I should cover her feet. As if reading my mind, Sasuke handed me a pair of fuzzy socks. They were gray and black stripes. I put them on hoping to help her feet.

I pulled the covers over her small fragile body. I moved a piece of hair off her face. I stared at her beautiful face.

"You love her, don't you." I was caught off guard by Sasuke's statement.

"No I'm not. I'm her guardian, meaning I'm here to protect her. I failed my duty in doing so."

"Oh cut the crap Heisuke. You're falling for her, why are you denying it?"

"Because it won't work out."


"She's a princess, and I'm nothing more than a servant for the previous queen Cornilia. A guardian for her daughter. It will never work out, because of our rank."

"You know I don't see no difference. Love is love. If you love her and she loves you back.....I see nothing wrong. After all love does conquer all."

"How did you know? That I loved her." I ask in curiosity. Sasuke laughs.

"The way you stare at her, the look on your face and in your eyes says it all. Everyone knows." I sit there contemplating his words.

"Sasuke, I do love her." Sasuke places a hand on my right shoulder.

"I know," he gave my shoulder one last squeeze of reassurance, then he left. I pulled a chair over to her bedside. I sat down, waiting for her to wake up. "Please wake up soon, princess." Heisuke spoke softly.

~~~~(Katie's POV)~~~~
Once again I'm free falling. I hear this same song. My eyes fluttered open, to a beautiful blue sky. The sun was shining, as well the cotton like clouds moved across the sky. I felt my body lie on something soft. I sat up, and saw that same field where I met my mother. Well dreamed of her at least.

"Katie dear," I turned to see mother standing under the cherry blossom tree. She was wearing the same outfit as last time.

"Mother," I whispered. She smiled, and said,

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