I roll my eyes but fist bump her nonetheless for her discreet use of one direction song lyrics.

"You're right." I agree. "God I can't believe this." I whisper.

"I can't either." Mom laughs slightly,Wiping a few tears off of her face. "My baby is getting married." She says. "You look so beautiful."

"You two do too mom." I smile. Me and my mom still have a somewhat rocky relationship,But I am so happy she's here to witness the best day of my life. The fact that she's here showing her support means so much to me. I'm so happy right now,But I feel a slight pang of sadness in my heart. I wish my dad could've been here to witness this too. It'd be amazing to have him walking me down the aisle. But I know he's still with me. He's in my heart. And he's looking down at me from his comfy spot in heaven.

"For seven months pregnant you're really pulling that dress off you know." I smile,Nudging Aymie a little. She rolls her eyes and rubs her belly softly. "This boy is killing me." She huffs. "All he does is kick and punch and fucking body slam my insides-But you're damn right. I look good." She smirks smugly.

I smile,Shaking my head at her.

"Sounds like it's time for you to go out there." Nikki says,Peeking her head in. "Oh you look gorgeous." She gushes. "I am going to take more pictures than the photographer could ever dream of taking!" She shrieks before disappearing again. I laugh before straightening my posture so I can look 'Posh'. "Let's do this." I say.


"I didn't think it was possible for me to love again after what went down in my past. I've been hurt so many times and I was a hardened,Empty shell until you came along. You immediately made me feel things that I didn't want to. I fought myself for so long. I tried to tell myself that I didn't want you,But I did. You are a ray of sunshine. You spread so much joy and happiness every day without even knowing it. You help your family and friends with everything and you help strangers on the street. You're the purest being I know,And yet you manage to keep me and everybody else in check. When I first met you,I tried to piss you off in every way possible and you didn't give me an ounce of anger. You knew my game plan better than I did." He chuckles. "I hated that I couldn't get a rise out of you,But I loved it too. The fact that you were capable of showing so much restraint showed me that you were different from the start. You are a beautiful,Unique,Independent,Strong woman and I love you for it. I will never stop loving you for it." He finishes. I blush a little,Hearing a few aws from people.

Not used to being the center of attention,I've been fidgeting this whole time. I didn't realize how awkward this is up until now. Standing in front of a crowd of people and confessing your love for your partner is definitely odd,But somehow endearing.

"Sadie." The priest mumbles,Nodding towards me.

"Dean..." I mumble in a small voice. He squeezes my hands softly and gives me a small smile before leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay." He whispers,Seeming to understand. "It's just me. Just you and me." He says.

"Dean,I knew from the moment I saw you that you were different too. You were every bit of your character. Unpredictable,Unhinged,Difficult,Hardheaded and definitely disobedient." I giggle. "I loved that. It was exciting. Even now,I still haven't figured you out completely. I don't think I ever will,But I don't think I mind that. I knew when you first started talking to me that you weren't who you wanted me to think you were. You acted like you didn't care,You acted like you hated me. You acted like you were scum. That's what you thought you were. That's what everyone thought you were. But I knew that you were just playing the part that was given to you. You played it well but you couldn't fool me." I smile. "We've been through thick and thing together already and I'm sure in the future,We'll go through even more. But one thing's for sure. We'll always make it through because me and you are both stubborn. We won't give up. Never give up." I smirk,Wiggling my brows.

You get too close (Dean)Where stories live. Discover now