I check my watch. Four o'clock on the dot. I run downstairs before I remember that Percy is always five minutes late, give or take. So I calmly pick up a pen and scribble a note to my dad that I'd left to meet up with Percy, knowing full well that Helen will be the one to pick the note up.

Exactly at 4:05 there's a knock on the front door. I pull it open. I smile when I see Percy standing in the doorway, framed by the porch light since it's still pitch black outside. There's a back pack slung over his back. He grins. I come out onto the step and close the door noiselessly behind me.

"Shall we?" Percy sticks out the crook of his arm. I laugh a little and take it. He pulls out a flash light and shines it down the steps.

"So where are we going?" I ask, still holding his arm as if stuck in the 19th century.

"It's a surprise."

"You wake me up at four am to go for a walk and tell me it's a surprise?"

Percy looks slightly sheepish, "I love you?"

I laugh and kiss him on the cheek. I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach him. When did he get so tall? Not that I mind too much...

I lean my head on his shoulder and he snakes his arm around my waist. We're like two pieces to a jigsaw puzzle that fit together perfectly.

We're silent for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Then he asks me a question, probably something about my second year of university. I must have responded with something appropriate. I don't honestly remember. As creepy as it sounds, I was memorizing his scent. The feel of his arms around me. His breath on my forehead. The way his lips shaped the words falling out of his mouth. Soon I notice that the sky is growing pinkish above the two of us and Percy is dragging me down a sloping embankment by my hand. My feet squish into the sandy beach below and Percy pulls a checkered picnic blanket from the bag on his back. He lays it down.

"Ladies first."

"I don't think that applies to this situation," I tease him.

His kisses me on the cheek. I sit crisscross-applesauce on the blanket and stare up at him. How he became my best friend I can tell you. How he came to actually love me I can't. He plops down next to me and peers into his bag again. I notice his smile twitching ever so slightly, and his breathing becomes continuously more rapid with each passing moment. Why is Percy nervous? I wrap my arms around his waist and whisper, "I love you."

"I love you, too." He seems to relax underneath my touch. So he's not breaking up with me. That's good. Not that I thought he was...I mean we went to hell and back together...he wouldn't break up with me...would he? Suddenly I feel my heart race. Gods I hope the seaweed brain didn't wake me up at three am just so he could break my heart. He wouldn't do that...would he? I don't want to loose my seaweed brain...ever.

I hug him tighter. Distracted, he leaves whatever he was trying to find in the bag and looks over at me, concerned. He's right. This is a little out of character for me.

"I just don't want to loose you," I say.

"I don't want to loose you either, Wise Girl."

"Ever." We say the word at the exact same time. We grin. We kiss. He pulls away. He stands, taking me with him. Dawn is coming fast now as he drags the two of us towards the water. At the moment my feet touch the water, the sunrise arrives. The sky is washed is pinks and oranges. Yellows and blue. It's one of the prettiest I've ever see.

"Percy..." I turn to him. But he's not where I thought he was going to be. Instead he's on one knee in the sand, looking up at me.

"Annabeth Chase. I love you."

My breaths become rapid and my eyes become misty. Is he...?

"We've been best friends since we were twelve, but I feel like I've known you forever. Maybe in my heart I have. You've always been there for me. And I've always been there for you. We held up the sky. We fought both the Second Titan War and the Second Giant War. We fell into Tartarus. We came out alive. You took a dagger for me! How can it be possible to love you more? And yet it is. Every time I see you, it's like my heart has grown another couple sizes. My smiles are brighter. My fighting is better. My smartness is multiplied by a hundred."

I give a quick laugh at his joke. And then stop as he pulls out a ring. A sea green gem is set on the middle with a glittering owl around it. Engraved on it are the words, SB & WG FOREVER.

"I love you, Wise Girl. I love you more then anything. Even blue chocolate chip cookies. I love you. So will you do me the honour of making me the happiest and luckiest man alive and be my Wise Girl forever? Will you marry me?"

I'm so happy all I can do is nod. And that's what I do, nod vigorously until Percy has slipped the ring onto my finger. I tackle him to the ground then, peppering him with kisses.

When we finally pull away, I say, "Of course I said yes. Anymore stupid questions?"

He laughs, all the nervousness gone. Using the water he pulls me into the ocean and forms an air bubble around us. We kiss. Just like before. It's at that moment that I remember the date. August 18. Don't tell my self of three years ago, but this kiss even topped that one.

When we finally break apart, he says, "I've got pizza sitting in my back pack."

I laugh. Only Percy would think of having pizza for breakfast and actually do it. "In a sec," I respond and pull him down for another kiss.

Yay!!!! Percabeth is finally engaged in this book!!!! Celebration!!! Hope it met all of your standards!!! Anyways, hoping to update some other stuff soon (thank you library for your free wifi. You give me joy every time I visit.)

~omgitshappenninning 🤓


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