Chapter 11

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I woke up in the morning and went to grab the camera like I did every day before Caleb's accident. Then I realized. The last time we vlogged was around 3 months ago. I then flipped up the viewfinder and smiled. "Hey guys! We haven't vlogged in so long. We are so sorry. If you follow us on Instagram then you know that Caleb got hit with a baseball and was at the hospital for a long time and then Hayley broke her arm and thumb. So, I guess, WE'RE BACK! So I'm about to get dressed and get ready for the day. Caleb is in his room downstairs and Hayley is still sleeping. Mom is making breakfast. I'm not doing much, so I'll see you later!" and I flipped off the camera. I went online to our channel. We lost over 150,000 subscribers. I saw good comments saying stuff like "I hope caleb feels better." And "take your time. I know what it feels like to have family severely injured." And then, there were the bad ones. Like "you guys aren't committed to your subscribers. You haven't posted in 3 months. I'm unsubscribing." So I grabbed the camera once again and sat it down on my pile of school books on my desk. I sat on the edge of my bed and called in Caleb and Hayley. Hayley came running in. Caleb slowly walked in with a "whaaat?"
"I'm going to make a video explaining to our viewers where we have been... You wanna join?"
"I guess so." Caleb responded
I clicked on the camera and said "Hi guys!" "so today we are going to explain where we have been to the people who aren't following our instagram. So let's get started. Well we were at a baseball game and the ball hit Caleb super hard. He had to stay in the hospital for the past few months. He just got out and life is starting to get back to normal. But then Hayley hurt herself." I explained.
"Yeah, I fell down the stairs onto my arm and I have a broken arm and thumb, as you can see" Hayley said putting up her arm. "I can't do gymnastics for at least 6 weeks."
"Thanks for all the prayers. I'm so thankful I survived." Caleb said.
"So I just wanted to make this short video telling you guys where we were and hopefully we will be starting to upload videos again. Thanks for all the support! Bye!" I said
I turned off the camera and gave it to mom. "We just filmed a video telling people where we have been. Can you edit it?" I asked mom
I went downstairs and grabbed some chips and ate them at the table while playing on my phone. When I went upstairs I saw Hayley and Caleb sleeping with each other.
"Awww" I took a picture and sent it to them. I heard a buzz and they both woke up with a jolt. I busted out laughing.
"what was that?" Caleb sat up confused.
"Your phone just buzzed!"
Caleb yanked his phone out of his pocket and looked at it.
"Not funny" he said.
"hahaha" I teased him
They both walked out and shut the door. I sat on my bed and eventually fell asleep.

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