Chapter 3

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"DADDY, what's wrong?" Hayley cried. Billy didn't answer.

They got to the room and doctors were everywhere. Checking his heartbeat, blood pressure, temperature. Katie sat in a chair next to Caleb crying, so Billy ran over to comfort her. Annie and Hayley didn't like seeing their family like this, so torn apart.
"Come on Hayley. Let's go wait in the lobby"
"Do you think Caleb will be okay?" Hayley questioned
"I'm not sure. Right now, nobody knows."
"What about mommy and daddy?"
"I'm not sure, okay? Hopefully everything will be okay but we don't know."

Katie and Billy ran down the hallway and saw them
"Oh my gosh, we couldn't find you, Caleb woke up! He is dizzy and doesn't remember anything, but he's recovering!"

As they walked back to the room, they stopped in front of the doorway.
"You have to be quiet. He still isn't-"
A long beep noise interrupted them. Billy rushed inside followed by Katie. Annie and Hayley slowly walked in to see Caleb laying there. His eyes weren't open. He fell unconscious again.
A man in a long white coat walked in with a clipboard.

"Tests have now shown that he has 2 broken ribs, brain damage, and an irregular heartbeat. He will need emergency surgery immediately to save him. Even after the surgery, he has a 40% chance of survival. I'm sorry. Give him your good-byes and doctors will be in shortly to take him back to the OR."
After the doctor exited, Katie bursted into tears. "Why him?"
Billy attempted to comfort her by saying "He's strong. He can make it." But Annie and Hayley could tell that he didn't know.

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