Chapter 6

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After a week, he had been stabilized continuously. The doctor cleared him to go home. Since it was around 11pm, they slept overnight at the hospital. Around 4am they started hearing something different. His heartbeat was off. The doctors came and worked on him and thankfully it didn't get to the point where the heart stopped beating. Since his heart wasn't beating properly, but it was a small issue and the doctors got control within 15 minutes, he only had to wait 3 days. The boy was unconscious, since they just worked on him.
"He should gain consciousness in around half an hour. We gave him medicine to put him under while we were stabilizing him." The doctor explained, and walked out.
Sure enough around 25 minutes later, we hear a groan. They look up and Caleb's eyes are half open. He is breathing and his heart is beating steadily.
"Hey Caleb! You can go home in about two and a half days!"
"Cool." He said in a very uninthusiastic tone.
"The dogs miss you so much."
"What dogs?"
"Ummm, Winnie and Piper..."
"Who are they? Who are you? Who am I?"
"Um. Billy can you go get the doctor? He can't remember anything."
"Why am I here? What is that beeping sound? Who are those people?" he said as Annie and Hayley walked into the room.
"Caleb, calm down. You are Caleb, I am your mother, that's Annie and that's Hayley.They are your sisters."
"Um. Okay. So that's Annie (points at Hayley. And that's Hayley (points at Annie."
"Um. Sure." She said, not wanting to confuse him.
Billy and the doctor walked in. Katie explained that he can't remember anything.
"Well unfortunately, that is a side effect of the surgery. It might take him hours, days, weeks, or it might even be permanent."
Katie gasped. Hayley was still crying.

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