Character Appreciation Day 1

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Okay, since I love Lockwood and Co. so much that I have written fanfiction about it, I have decided to start a little something to appreciate it a little more. Every Saturday, I will write a little bit about a character from the Lockwood and Co. Series and why they are a good a character. So, who better to start with than the series' main character, Lucy Carlyle?
Lucy Carlyle is the narrator throughout the series, and a sarcastic one at that. She is probably the agent with the strongest talent as we are led to believe by the books, but she never crows about it. Jonathan Stroud has made her so that she isn't the all-powerful agent. In fact, in the third book, her Talents give her a strong connection to ghosts, which can be an assets or a liability. I love how she isn't the perfect agent, but she has the perfect talent to give us an interesting perspective as a reader. I also love how perfect she is with Lockwood (Locklyle forever) and George. The dynamics between the trio are just fantastic. As for Holly? I think Lucy treats her a little bit harshly, but that's understandable since she already doesn't get along with females her own, and she sees Holly as everything she is not. But, I can see myself becoming friends easier with Lucy than Holly.
But hey, that's just my opinion. What do you think about Lucy Carlyle? As always, I'm interested in what everyone has to say.
-Agent Eepster

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