Did Lockwood Just...Die?!

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In "The Hollow Boy", when Lockwood falls off the staircase to save Lucy, I seriously thought he was dead. And I was just like, "...What?!?! This is NOT happening! No way!" I almost stopped reading the book, but thankfully I didn't. Or should I have stopped reading? I wouldn't have read that STUPID CLIFFHANGER IF I DID! UGH! Sorry, I just really hate the cliffhanger. Jonathan Stroud, you'd better make up for it with "The Creeping Shadow" because if you don't I will be mad and sad.

Speaking of "The Creeping Shadow", are you guys excited for it? What do you think will happen in it? I'd really like to know what you guys think!

-Agent Eepster

(I feel like Jonathan Stroud is going to heavily imply Locklyle but he won't make it happen. If it's true, then I will be very mad and I will turn into a potato. But that just might be me.)

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