If Lockwood and Co. Had More 4th Wall Breakage

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"You readers are lucky you don't have to smell Flo Bones through the pages" -probably Lucy

*Lockwood gives Lucy some cute compliment* "Don't you guys think it's unfair that I don't get this kind of treatment?" -George

*Lockwood gives Lucy the silver necklace* "Ha! Look at that, readers! It's so close to canon" - George

*Lucy does her thing with the ghosts instead of stabbing them and almost gets killed* "This is why we can't have nice things, but I guess I'll save you anyways" -Lockwood

*Kipps makes some stupid remark to Lockwood* "Why, Stroud. Why do you make me put up with this." -Lockwood

"Hey you. Yes, you reading this stupid series. Tell Jonathan Stroud that he should kill everyone off but me and make me supreme sarcastic ruler of the universe." -The skull

"Look, guys, Lockwood's sleeping. Don't you think he's the cutest-er, I mean, never mind. It's not like I think Lockwood's cute or anything. Nope. Not at all." -Lucy

"Look guys, Lucy's sleeping. Don't you think she's the cutest-er, I mean, never mind. It's not like I think Lucy's cute or anything. Nope. Not at all." -Lockwood

"The above 4th wall break is why you should ship Locklyle." -George

*Lucy, George, and Lockwood come back from a case and throw their stuff everywhere and leave a huge mess in the kitchen. Holly has to clean it up the next morning.* "Look, I know you guys don't like me, but I think they'd of drowned in their own filth if you'd not had me added to the series." -Holly

*Lockwood and Co. steal another thing of Winkman's* "Children suck. Don't you agree, readers?" -Winkman

Let me know if you can think of any others!


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