Thank You+Lockwood and Car

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Shoutout to @xo_random_girl_xo_ and @ilovepeas and @6EQUJ5Wow for commenting! Thanks! Also, thanks for the 265 reads and 21 votes so far! It really means a lot to me!
Alright, now back to our regularly scheduled randomness.

Lockwood and Car

It was a dark and stormy night, the kind where it feels Visitor cold and your bed feels like ice. The wind rattled the shutters, which flapped against 35 Portland Row like a rattlesnake. Lucy Carlyle lay on her bed in the attic, listening to the sound of the rain, at least until she heard slow footsteps coming up the stairs.
Moving like a spider, she flipped off the bed and crawled under it, heart pounding. The door slowly opened with a prolonged creak.
The intruder didn't move any further. He just stood in the doorway, a dark notch in the black.
"Lucy? Lucy, are you there? Lucy, where are you?!" The intruder spoke harshly, but at a whisper.
"Lockwood? Is that you? Why are you in my room?!" Lucy whispered back.
"Yeah, it's me, but the better question is, why are you on the floor?"
Lucy crawled back out from under the bed. "Old habits die hard, I suppose. I really do need to keep my rapier up here," Lucy said.
"Ok, good. I was starting to wonder if you slept under the bed," Lockwood joked.
"No! Of course not! Although, to be fair, that bed is pretty old," Lucy retorted.
"Do you want me to get you a new one?" Lockwood asked.
"Well, that would be nice. But if you do get one, don't get one of those ones that have shelves built in under them," Lucy said.
"Why? So you can sleep under it?" Lockwood smirked.
"No! Shut up! Beds aside though, why are you in my room? If you're just here to make fun of my sleeping habits, then leave!" Lucy fumed.
"As much as I'd like to, no, I'm not here to make fun of your sleeping habits. Although, George did tell me that sometimes he can hear you snoring away up here," Lockwood said.
Lucy turned around for a second, mumbling to herself. She then whipped around, brandishing an egg whisk. "Do you want me to use this?!" she threatened.
"Sure, go ahead and try. I'm sure you could make an omelette out of me," he laughed.
"Oops. I meant to grab this," she menaced, turning around and grabbing a short dagger.
"Woah, woah, woah, I'm just teasing, George never said anything about that. If anything, I hear George snore," he said. Holding his arms up in surrender, he started to back away.
"That's more like it. Now, what could you possibly want at 2 a.m. in the morning?" Lucy said, putting her dagger down.
"Um, I was wondering... Do you know how to drive a car?" he asked
"Um, yeah? Wait, wait, wait, don't tell me you woke me up just to ask me if I knew how to drive a car?!" she said, inching closer back to her dagger.
"Well, it's sort of important because there's a ghost in our house and George got ghost-touched and he should probably get to the hospital..." Lockwood said.
"Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me?!" Lucy shouted, rushing past Lockwood and running down the stairs.
"Wait!" Lockwood yelled. "The ghost is still-"
Crash! Lockwood rushed down the steps where he found Lucy unconscious with a blue mark on her arm.
"Ha, stupid humans rushing into dangerous situations like uncultured swine," a snooty disembodied voice said.

Continued in the next chapter!
-Agent Eepster

Lockwood and Co. RandomnessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя