Random Headcanon

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I just thought of something really cool that I hope will happen in the series!
Everyone familiar with the Lockwood and Co. Series knows about Marissa Fittes. She was one of the first psychic investigators and helped to cement that The Problem was real. She is the grandmother to Penelope Fittes. Well, the Lucy narrates that she is dead. But what if she isn't? (*cue dramatic music*)
Okay, let's look at some evidence. In The Whispering Skull, when talking about Marissa Fittes, it says, "She mentioned this is several books, and implied (she was never very forthcoming about the details) that they [Type Three ghosts] had told her certain secrets: about death, about the soul, about its passage to a place beyond. After her own demise, others had tried to achieve similar results..." So we know that it is believed that she is dead. Let's look at another quote. Penelope Fittes says, "My grandmother and Tom Rotwell located the body at midnight on Midsummer Eve in 1962...But psychic investigation was in its infancy in those days..." The Lockwood and Co. Series is set about 50 years after the Problem began, so this proves that Lockwood and Co. is set at about our time. Anyways, so during that case in 1962 Marissa Fittes would have to have her Talent, so she would probably be anywhere from 12-20 years old. Add 50 years, and if she was alive during the series she would only be about 62-70 years old. That's not very old! In the third book they talk about Marissa Fittes' tomb. When describing her tomb, it says, "Monumental bronze doors led into the interior, which on special days was open so that the public could see the pioneer's simple granite tomb." Where is the iron at? The silver? The lavender? Shouldn't there be some sort of protection to keep her ghost from roaming free? The book doesn't describe any sort of ghost protection. Maybe there isn't any because the tomb is empty! But the book specifically says her remains are said to be in there. Maybe that's just what the public has been led to believe. I think it would be awesome if Lockwood and Co. got to meet her in the next book! What do you guys think? Do you agree there is a chance she could be alive, or do you think there is no way? Let me know, because I want to know if you guys think it could be possible!

-Agent Eepster

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