"Am sorry Rose, forgive me."

They stood there in silence for a few seconds and when he got to know that he wouldn't get an answer from her, he continued.

"I . . . It was not my intention to hurt you Rose. I don't know what possessed me yesterday when I heard his name.I . . I love you. I can't seem to get you out of my head. . Rose, give us----"

"I forgive you." She said before he could complete his sentence.

"Rose I---"

"I forgive you, it's alright. . . I have to be somewhere now, and it's urgent. . . Good bye Brian" she said and walked past him only to be stopped once again. He caught hold of her arm and turned towards her.

"Where are you going? Is..is it him?"

"Church" she said in a surprisingly calm tone. He loosened his grip on her hand and nodded his head.

"I will drop you."

"No. I will be fine by myself. Thank you." She said and walked down her porch and onto the road. The two of them could hear the gravel crunch under her foot steps and soon the sound vanished for Brian. He slipped his fingers through his hair and closed his eyes tightly. After a few seconds, he made his way towards his house. He would have her no matter what. He had set his eyes on her and he would never let her slip away.

Brian was attracted to Rose since the day he first met her on her door step. As days passed by and as they spent more time with each other, attraction turned into liking, liking into love and slowly obsession started to replace love once he started to realise that she had someone else in her heart. He had decided then, that he would never let her go. He helped her get a job in his firm just for one reason; he wanted her close to him. He often brushed his hand on hers when they walked together just because he wanted to feel her soft skin, He used to observe her from his room at their office, as she sat and typed down on the computer. Her each moment had been memorised and he soon began to crave for her. He knew that she started to grow feelings for him, but Alexander cropped up in between them, and this made him loose his temper yesterday. He behaved in a very harsh manner that could not be justified in any way. He would make it up to her, beg her for forgiveness and would give up anything to make her his.

It was simple; Brian wanted Rose. But, he did not know that he had to pay a heavy price for that and he surely did not know that it was next to impossible to take away Rose from Alexander.


Rose walked through the empty streets as the hot sun burnt her skin. She could not feel physical pain anymore, even her lips did not hurt, because the pain inside her heart was so strong that it nullified all the other pain in her body.

She stood in front of the now familiar gates and looked at the tall structure that stood in front of her. She sighed and made her way inside the church, slowly climbed the steps and halted near the entrance. She stood near the door and looked at the empty hall in front of her, silent and calm with a few candles at the side that were lit on a stand glowing with the prayers offered to God.. She walked through the isle and sat on the front bench at the left side of isle, the same place where she sat the very first time she visited the church.

She kept her bag on the bench and sat there looking at the symbol of peace and harmony. The only person who could give her strength ,courage and love.

Love, the only thing that she she craved to have, to feel. She wanted to know how it felt to be loved, but fate did not give her that opportunity.

It is not a mistake to fall in love with someone, but for her, it was a mistake and it came with a huge price. It took away too many things from her; her courage, strength, life, happiness, family and it took away even him, the only guy whom she always had cherished, may be even now.

HER ONE AND ONLYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ