i - one

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( A/N: Edit; This was my first AND worst book so the chapter is short. Other chapters are twice the length of this one. Check out my other fics, they are 10x better than this one. On the other hand, enjoy the fic. Comments and votes are always appreciated =) )

Y/N's POV:

"Y/L/N, ten touches, go!" My coach yelled at me. He wants us to build more stamina during the game because apparently we have been slacking. Well sorry that us females have chests so running back and forth can really be a hassle if your junk won't stay in your trunk. I didn't mind though, being the captain of the girls basketball team I have to set an example for these girls to follow and be the best they can be.

I just finished lap 8. I wanted to give up, but I had to keep telling myself - just go up then back down and you're finished.

After what felt like forever, I finished and wiped the sweat that trickled down my forehead. I bent over with my hands on both of my knees and caught my breath.

"See that wasn't so bad, Y/N. Was it? No." My coach answered his own question, of course.

I hate people.

"Alright girls, take five. Get some water, relax, or whatever may have you. I'm going to speak to Coach Kirk about the gym space. I can't believe he wants the volleyball team to share the gym with us, AGAIN!" With that, coach walked off already yelling at Coach Kirk. I just chuckled and sat next to one of my closest friends, Normani.

"Heyyy Y/N." Normani looked just as tired as I did.

"Hey, wha-" My sentence was cut short as coach screamed my name to come to him.

"Hold that thought, Normani," I quickly said to her before running of towards Coach's direction not forgetting to move the hair that fell onto my face.

"Discuss with their team captain about how we need the gym space. We'll wait over here." Seriously, the coaches are so childish. I bent down to tie my shoelaces.

I heard a slight cough and looked up to be met with big, brown eyes. Not the basic ones, but the ones that can captivate anyone. I actually felt a bit intimidated, but of course I won't let her get that satisfaction.

I took the moment to take in her appearance. She had on her volleyball practice fit, her hands were on her hips and she had an unreadable expression on her face. Not only that, she als-

"Are you going to look me up and down, obviously checking me out, or are we going to start talking about whatever they're bickering about this time?" Attitude, I like it.

I chuckled and simply asked, "What's your name?" Even though I already know the answer, I just wanted to piss her off a bit.

"You know my name."

"No, I actually do not." I stated confidently - a little too confident because she later on grabbed me by the collar of my practice jersey and pulled me close to her. "Listen Y/L/N, let's just fucking get this over with." At this moment, our faces were inches apart. Since I'm taller, she didn't look that intimidating, especially when she smells like vanilla.

I think she realized how close we were and took her glare off of me as well as her hold on me and turned her head around quickly looking for her coach to make sure he didn't see her.

"I like when you call me by my last name. Let's make that our thing, Cabello. Maybe calling each other by our last names will be our forever," I said with a satisfying smirk knowing I've pissed the volleyball player off.

At this moment she was beyond pissed for who knows what reason. She looks cute when she's angry. I grabbed her hand and felt her tense up and she immediately yanked it away under my touch.

"We're sharing the gym and that's final, okay Y/L/N?" I chuckled at her attempt to regain her composure after my gesture and simply nodded.

She walked away and I couldn't help but take a look at her ass. God took his time when making Camila. I'm guessing she caught me checking her out because she started to yell, but I couldn't make out what she was saying because she was so far.


"Keep your eyes on the prize, Y/L/N." Oh trust me, I very well am.


"So?" Vanessa questioned.

"So, what?" I retorted back.

"Do we have to share the gym, dummy? That's what you two were doing over there right or was there something else the team should know about going between you two?" Vanessa asked with a smirk plastered on her face earning 'ooo's' from the rest of the team and a laugh from Normani.

"Nothing to worry about." I said whilst picking up a basketball.

"Yeah right," Vanessa muttered also picking up a basketball.

"What was that?" I questioned making her head snap towards me as I gave her a challenging look.

"Nothing." She replied quietly before dribbling around before warmups start back up. The rest of the team stared at me.

"What?" I snapped at them before they shook their heads with a smile and picked a basketball up and began to practice a couple of shots ignoring the loud volleyball players on the other half of the gym.


"So are you going to tell me about it?" Normani questioned breaking the silence as we walked home together.

"About what?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"You and Camila. What happened yesterday?" Normani asked.

"Nothing," I started off laughing. "She's just really sassy, but it's cute."

"Okay, I ship it. I'm going to text Dinah as soon as possible." Normani's eyes lit up as she texted on her screen.

"We barely even talk, but whatever." I said with a laugh knowing Normani didn't care either way because she ships everything and everyone together alongside with Dinah. I would've stopped her, but messing with Camila for a little bit is harmless, right? Except for the fact she may hit me all the time, but still.

We reached my house and I gave Normani a hug and went inside. Tomorrow's going to be a long day.


hi guys. idk where this fic is headed, but i'm positive i'll stay active with it. sorry for the short update by the way. some chapters will be fairly long and some will be around this length. i try to avoid this length, though.

anyways, don't forget to follow, vote and comment. it's what motivates me to update more.

let aims for five votes for the next update.


tease ⇸ camila/youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora