‘This is for you,’ he says, handing me the box.

Carefully, I unwrap it and see a small wishbone silver ring encased inside, sat snuggly against the velvet.

‘You said you wanted a midi-ring so I tracked one down. It looked delicate and nice, so...’

I take the ring out and slip it on the right finger and look up at Ozzy, my heart stopping as I do. ‘I-’ I stutter, surprised by his thoughtful gift. 

‘You’re welcome,’ he says with a small smile. ‘Shall we head off?’

‘Yes. Lets.’ 

It’s not as awkward being with Ozzy as I had anticipated it being from yesterday’s argument, but there’s definitely an underlying tension, particularly when Blake comes over not long after we arrive. I can tell she’s not completely sober, as she looks very serious at us when she sees me and Ozzy standing together, hand in hand. 

‘Evening, Blake,’ he says, leaning down and kissing her cheek. ‘You look lovely tonight.’

She gives him a soft smile and returns the compliment. ‘Everything okay with you both?’ She asks, and the ambiguity is not lost on me.

‘Everything is fine,’ I affirm, and narrow my eyes at her. ‘Come on, Ozzy, let’s go on the ferris wheel.’

I lead Ozzy off, watching as Blake and her date, Kellan watch us walk away, but am soon distracted by Ozzy’s arm wrapping itself around my waist and gently caressing my sides. He presses his lips to my temple, before asking, ‘Is Blake okay?’

Nerves rise up in my body and I nod. ‘Yeah, I guess she might just be nervous as she’s got a date and isn’t with Sam.’

This seems to suffice his curiosity for the meanwhile. We queue up for a booth on the ferris wheel, before promptly getting on and slowly ascending around the wheel to the highest point. Ozzy face is delighted and he can’t help but smile all the way around, before pointing out some landmarks in the city. He rests his hand on my thigh. The university campus  and city looks spectacular from this view up above. Different parts of the campus are illuminated and we can hear the music from the bands and artists booming out from the loud speakers, and yet none of that can distract my mind from thinking about my relationship with Ozzy. 

After our ride, we head off to get some drinks and I’m thankful for the liquid courage I’m being given. After downing a vodka and coke, which heads straight into my blood stream, I’m feeling more comfortable around Ozzy and less on edge. We’ve found the rest of my flatmates, with Gino, Rowland, Delaney and Ford sitting at a table together. We squeeze on the end, me sitting on Ozzy’s lap and join in the conversation. 

I feel nervous as I see Blake approach again, her eyes softening when she sees Ozzy. I know she loves him as her dear friend. Their friendship is just as strong as mine is with her, which makes me feel much worse. Worried that she may say something, I take her hand and excuse us to head to the toilets, hoping to warn her off saying anything destructive. 

‘How can you lie to him like this?’ She asks angrily, snapping her wrist from my grasp. ‘He has no clue. No clue!’

‘I’m not lying. I am enjoying my evening with him. Is that so wrong?’ I snap back at her.

‘Yes, it is, especially if you’re planning on breaking up with him.’

‘Blake, HUSH!’ I scold, looking around to see if anyone heard. 

‘You really don’t know how much that boy loves you, do you? He would die for you, Imo. He’s so torn apart recently and it’s horrible seeing him so unhappy yet so determined to try. Can’t you see that?’

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