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Hannah's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night and my body still ached from the fall. I sat up and looked down at my legs to see the purple bruises forming all over both of my legs. I looked like I was beat up.
I got out of bed and walked over to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My jet black hair was so messy and my bright blue eyes looked dull from the crying.
I didn't want to leave my doll house and face the Clarks. I just wanted to crawl back into bed and not deal with any of the drama. I didn't even want to be here anymore.
I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2 o clock in the morning and if I wanted to run away now was the time to do it.
I ran in my room and changed into my normal shoes, running pants, a normal t shirt, and I found a sweat shirt in the closet. I grabbed my old bag from the orphanage and filled it with warm clothes then I took the bag to the kitchen and packed all the food and bottles of water I could carry.
I looked around the house one last time and I decided that I had everything I needed.
"Thanks for everything Clarks, you won't have to worry about me anymore." I said and with that I closed the door to the doll house and made my way out of the Clarks lives.
Linda's POV
I woke up next to Mark and saw that he was still sleeping. I saw that it was only 7 o clock but I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep again. I couldn't shake what happened last night with Hannah.
I carefully slipped out of bed and went down to Hannah's room. I walked up to her house and got down on my knees to look through the windows. I looked through the windows and couldn't see her anywhere.
"Hannah?" I called quietly but there was no response.
I gently lifted the roof off of the house and looked inside expecting to see Hannah peacefully sleeping in her room but ended up seeing no one there.
"Hannah? Darling where are you?" I asked starting to panic.
I bent over the dollhouse and looked through it and still couldn't see Hannah. I looked back in Hannah's room and saw that her bag that she brought from the orphanage was gone.
"Oh god no." I said to myself. She ran away.
I got up and ran out of the room and back towards the room Mark and I share.
"Mark! Mark!" I said urgently has I pushed Mark trying to wake him up.
"Linda I'm up what's wrong?" Mark said groggily.
"Hannah's gone." I said.
"What?" He said sitting up and now very awake.
"I went to her room this morning because I wanted to check on her after how weird she was acting last night and she was gone. The bag she brought from the orphanage was gone too." I explained.
I can't believe our baby is gone.
Marks POV
I can't believe she is gone, my daughter ran away and she is now out there in a world that can easily hurt her.
I got up and ran to Hannah's room and lifted the room off of her house.
"Hannah! Hannah please!" I said frantically has I looked through the house.
"Mark, she's not there." Linda said trying to be calm.
"Linda she could die out there!" I said desperately hoping to hear Hannah's small voice tell us she was right there.
"Come on Mark lets go call the police and then we will go look for ourselves ok? We will find her and everything will be okay." Linda said.
I just hope she's right.
Hannah's POV
" I miss my mother I miss it when, life was a party to be thrown but that was a million years ago."
I remember that song from my time on earth and I quietly sang to myself has I wandered the streets, trying to stay out of sight.
I have been walking since 2 o clock this morning and it was now 9 o clock. My feet were so sore but I didn't stop walking. I walked past the school Josh and I go to and I noticed there was a human truck following slowly behind me. I picked up my pace and when the truck didn't change its course I quickly ran into the bushes along the back side of the school. I heard the truck get put into park and then a door slam shut.
"Now Hannah why would you go and hide?"
Oh no, there he was again. I knew he wouldn't be gone so easily. My father was a very persistent man.
"I know your in there Hannah so why don't you just come out and make this easier for the both of us." My father said.
I said quiet and I moved has far back into the bushes has possible. I looked to my side and saw the exit through the bushes and I knew I couldn't just sit here. I slowly made my way to the exit and then I darted. I ran has fast has I could and I made some good distance before my father even knew I ran.
"Dammit Hannah get back here!" He screamed but I didn't stop.
I was running on the sidewalk right by the street and I had three opinions in front of me. I could take a left and run through the Giants city, stay straight and enter the human city, or turn right and enter the woods. With my father in his truck I didn't want to enter the human city and I knew I wouldn't stand a chance of surviving in the giant woods on my own, so I made the left and ran into the giant city.
I didn't have the time to truly take in the sight around me or even allow myself to really take in how scary this could be because I was only focused on getting away from my father. I ran through the city streets and found a little alley way that I turned into. I looked out and couldn't see the truck or my father out there.
It was right around dinner time now so I decided that I needed to make a camp here for the night. I made my way to the far corner of the alley way and reached into my back pack for something to eat.
After I are I pulled out the extra sweatshirt and blanket I packed, knowing that this would be my bed for awhile, and tried to make myself comfortable.
I tried to drift off into my own little world when I heard my name fill the alley way.
"Hannah? Hannah? If your here come on out so we can all go home." I heard Josh call out.
I wasn't ready to go back. I quickly packed everything back inside my back pack and threw it on my shoulders and ran behind some garbage.
"Hannah please come out if your in here, we have been looking all over the city for you." Josh said and I heard his steps get closer.
I peeked my head out and I saw he was looking through the garage on the other edge of the alley way and I took my chance to get away. I ran out of the alley without making a sound but has I made it to the end of the alley I ran into someone.
"Ah there's my daughter." My father said and grabbed me.
"Let me go!" I said has I fought him but it was no use has he dragged me to his truck.
"Hannah?" I heard Josh ask but I couldn't scream again because my father threw me in his truck.
"Josh! Josh!" I screamed and banged on the window and tried to open it but it was locked.
My father started driving and I kept banging on the window until my father reached to the back seat and slapped me.
"Knock it off Hannah." He said angrily.
I stared out of the back window towards the alley and we were almost out of the city when Josh walked out of alley. He looked in my direction but we were so tiny and he could never see me in this back seat.
"Bye Josh." I said and we started to the human side of the city, where the clarks would never be able to find me.
Josh's POV
I know I heard her somewhere around here but the only I saw human sized was that truck driving away. I tried to see what was in it and who was in it but it was far to tiny.
"Did you find her?" Dad asked has he walked up to me.
"I swore I heard her." I said.
"Where?" He asked.
"Somewhere right around here but the only thing human sized was a truck that just drove out of the city." I explained.
"Oh no." Dad said and immediately started to dial someone on his phone.
"Whats wrong dad?" I asked.
"Her father got her." Dad said.
Oh no, this is definitely not good.

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