Chapter 1: Memories

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Elthena jumped out of bed and ran outside into the hallway. Her big brother appeared out of nowhere and walked beside me.
"Why are you so bubbly today, dear sister?" He asked in his normal, calm voice.
"Dimide it's our birthday!" She exclaimed to the dark-headed boy beside her who happened to be her forgetful older twin.
He looked away.
"They do that every year and it's never different. What is the point anyway? I don't want a birthday."
Elthena stopped in her tracks and looked at him. Though they were twins, Dimide was just...unpredictable. She placed a hand on his strong shoulders.
"Dimide?" She choked out unplanned. It's been this way for forever, if Dimide was sad--she was sad too. But the funny thing was, she never felt that twin connection that most people say connects two people.
It was always like...something else.
Elthena felt Dimide's shoulders tense under her hand.
"It's nothing Elthena. Just--just go get ready for school."
"It might be different today, you know. Like every year." She muttered and walked away leaving Dimide on his own lingering on the staircase.
Dimide sighed and walked downstairs when he heard the bathroom door close. It was their 18 birthday, and to Dimide it signified that time was up and Elthena will have to return to her original balance of life.
His parents were in the living room. They stood up and bowed as he approached them with his unusual serenity. Dimide raised a hand over them and they ragained their standing postures.
The woman who was supposed to be his mother looked at him with such respect!
"My lord, is it time?" She asked.
"Send word to the temple that I will be returning with the Princess shortly. She is released."
The lady nodded and in the blink of an eye she and her partner turned into a veil of black dust and swept into the air and out the open windows.
No. They weren't his parents, or Elthena's parents. They were just enchanted beings of the immortal world.
Dimide looked around the empty house and ran back upstairs to check on Elthena. The water had stopped running and so he knocked on the bathroom door.
"Dimide? What's wrong?" Her voice muffled from beyond the bathroom door.
"Can I see" He asked, placing his hand on the cold doorknob--already knowing the answer.
"Come in," she said and he followed through with his actions.
Steam gushed out and hit Dimide in the face. He blinked and looked over to the mirror where Elthena stood brushing her teeth with a towel wrapped around her elegant body.
Dimide walked over and stood beside her, looking at the mirror at their identical image.
"Get changed and meet me downstairs." He said looking at her through the mirror images.
Elthena frowned, "where is mom and dad?"
Dimide just had a blank expression as he just stared back at her.
Elthena stopped brushing her teeth and looked at him on the mirror. Something was unusual about him...or was it about her?
"Dimide?" She said her eyes opening wide as if they were seeing for the first time.
Dimide shuddered because he knew what was happening. She wasn't asking about their parents, she was seeing him as he really was! But now was not the time!
"Go change Elthena. Hurry! It's very important."
"Wait I ha--." Before she could finish, Dimide grabbed her and swiftly moved her into her bedroom. There he slammed the door behind them and let her go.
"Change now!"
"You're in my room. How can i change when my brother is lingering in my room?" She exclaimed.
Dimide turned his back to her and stared at the door, "just change please. I need to be here with you in case something stupid. Trust me."
"Don't look then," Elthena said then frowned because a part of her was unsure about that statement. What was happening to her?
"Like i haven't seen before," she heard her brother mutter under his breath. She was about to shout when she paused and decided to let it go. She opened her wardrobe and pulled out a white shirt with black jeans and changed.
Dimide felt everything that went through her mind. But after today, that grasp would be gone forever because she won't be her mortal self anymore.
After she changed, Dimide and her went downstairs where he took the car keys.
They were going to go to her favourite place.
Elthena wanted to ask questions but instead she remained silent during the drive.
This was the most weirdest birthday mornings she ever had.
It was also the weirdest normal day ever.
Her parents were missing, she missed out on breakfast, her twin was acting weird and she was feeling different things.
Those also included memories that seemed familiar to her as if they were being retrieved from her deepest, darkest mind and soul.
She glanced at her twin and blinked. A memory flashed before her eyes that showed her as her child-self and a little boy sitting on the steps of a temple.
The boy smiled and placed a gold flower in her hair. She giggled and kissed his cheeks in a swift movement. He grinned and pulled her into a tight hug.
What was also odd was that they were dressed in gold attires from head to toe with gold armlets and jewelry. On their heads rested an entwined serpent.
The memory flashed past and she glanced at can't be a real memory.
And the boy couldn't have been Dimide too. That was just wrong.
What makes you so sure? The voice in her head cackled.
She looked out the car windows and saw they had stopped outside the Japanese gardens.
Cherry blossoms littered the paths and everywhere else in the garden.
She frowned and looked at Dimide but he was already making his way out of the car.
He walked around and opened her door.
She held onto his extended hand and he lifted her out.
She turned to face Dimide, "why? Why did you bring me here Dimide?"
He took her hand and guided her through the entrance with the other ordinary people. 
"We need to talk, Elthena." He whispered into her ear.
"About what?"
"I'll tell you what's happening to you right now...then we are leaving for home."
"The house?"
He shook his head.
"Our home watching over Egypt."

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