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Suzy's POV

Its been two weeks and three days since I last seen Sehun. And I don't know how to feel. He seemed so sincere when he asked for my forgiveness. But I just can't forgive him right now.

He messeges me and leaves voice mails all the time. But I try to avoid listening and looking at them. Because when I do. I turn into an emotional wreck.

My family and Luhan try to make me feel better, but it doesnt work. The only person who succeeded is Yixing. He's been a life saver.

We hang out a lot now. And he even confessed his feelings for me. I'm flattered, but I told him that I can't jump into another relationship so fast. And thankfully he understood.

It seemed like things would be awkward after that. But Yixing didn't let it happen. He was always around to put a smile on my face. I'm starting to really appreciate him.

"Why is it so cold?" I asked sitting across from Yixing. We were in a coffee shop early in the morning for no reason. And that's one of the reasons why I like Yixing. He's random.

"Because its that time of year. You need to bundle up. I don't want you getting sick" Yixing said before pulling my beanie onto my head more.

"I'm not going to get sick. Look at me I'm invincible" I said before puffing my chest out and placing my hands on my hips. And Yixing chuckled.

"Haha you sure are" he said before smiling at me. Showing his legendary dimple.

Then all of the sudden my phone buzzed. I looked at it hoping it was from a certain someone. But when I realized it was from Sehun. I grew disappointed.

"Why hasn't he texted me?" I mumbled to myself.

"Nugu?" Yixing asked.

"Joohyuk. I haven't seen him since his party. And it's not like him to ignore me" I said before pouting. I really wonder what he's up to.

"Oh. Well I talked to him and he said that he was going to be busy for a while. So that could be why" Yixing said providing me valuable information.

"Really? What is he doing?" I asked. And Yixing's eyes became wide.

"Uh.....he didn't specify"

"Oh" was all I said. Before glancing at my phone again.

"Don't look so down Suzy. You have such a pretty smile for you not to show it often" Yixing said making me turn crimson red.

"Yah stop making me blush" I said before I pulled my hat down over my eyes. And he laughed.

"Your too cute"

"I mean it Yixing. Hajima" I said before pushing his shoulder.


Its late at night and I can't sleep. I haven't even been out of the house for two days because I can't shake this feeling.

It may seem crazy to say. But I miss Sehun so much.

I keep thinking about good times that we've had together while im asleep. And it makes me not want to sleep anymore. Its too painful to relive.

I slid my knees up my chest as I felt my eyes sting.

Sehun would be comforting me right now if he was here. Hugging me and telling me everything was going to be okay.

Ugkh! Suzy stop thinking that!

I can't sit here. I have to do something.

I wiped my eyes before I crawled out of bed and slipped on my shoes. I was going to drive to Yixing's house. He's usually up late so I know he wouldn't be sleeping.

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