She's Here

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Suzy's POV

"Your Crazy!" I yelled. And Yixing turned into a different person.

"Will people stop calling me CRAZY!? I can't stand that word. I'm not crazy. I'm just smart." Yixing said while whaling his hands around.

"Yixing you need to stop this okay. Do the right thing" I said trying to talk to him calmly.

"It's too late for me too do the right thing Suzy. But it's not too late for you to join me" Yixing said walking up to me. And I froze.

Yixing then reaches over and picks up a hammer.

"All you have to do is hit him one more time in the head. And he's done for. I'll dispose of the body and no one will ever know." Yixing said.

"No Suzy don't listen to him" Joohyuk pleaded. And I looked over at him.

"Shut up!" Yixing yelled before kicking his leg. And he grunted in pain.

"You either do this. Or Sehun's not going to live to see another day" he added. And I began to cry. I dont know what to do. I don't want to hurt anyone.

"Suzy don't listen to him." Joohyuk mumbled. And I stayed quiet.

"So what is it going to be?" Yixing asked.

"............Okay fine. I'll do it." I said and Yixing started to smile.

"Do you mean it?" He asked. And I nodded my head yes.

"No Suzy! Don't do this. Please" Joohyuk pleaded.

" If it's the only way you won't hurt Sehun" I said as tears cascaded down my face.

"Good. I knew you would come around. Here" Yixing said before handing me the weapon. I then looked at Joohyuk. And he was crying.
"Suzy please don't do this. I'm your best friend. Dont do this" he said. And I bit my lip.

"I have to" I mumbled before lifting the hammer up and taking it behind my head. Then Joohyuk closed his eyes.

I then turned to Yixing and tried to hit him with it. But he grabbed it just in time. And snatched it away from me before hitting me in the head with it. And knocking me to the floor beside Joohyuk.

I whined as the pain started to rush in.

"Why Suzy! Why couldn't you just listen. Then I wouldn't have to do things like that! Yixing yelled. And I held my throbbing head as I stared back at him.

"Go to hell" I mumbled. And Yixing chuckled.

"I plan on it" he said before grabbing near by tape and taping my hands and legs up. He was almost done when the door bell suddenly rang.

He looked at me with wide eyes. And before I could scream. He gagged me with an old rag.

"Don't say anything"

Sehun's POV

Its been nineteen days since I've last seen Suzy. And it's driving me mad. She's all I think about 247 and I don't know what to do.

I text and call her constantly. But she never replies.

I even began to take a marital arts class to try and keep me sane. And that seems to temporaraly work. But when I'm at home by myself. Is when everything hits me.

Suzy's laugh. Her smile. Her voice. All just an empty memory for me now.

I was sitting on my bed thinking about her once again. Until I had enough. I had to see her. Weather she wants to see me or not.

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