How Could You?

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Sehun's POV

I'm almost finished at the office. When I sit back and sigh heavily. I don't understand why I have all this work to do. Yixing said he had finished part of this for me.

I closed my eye's for a second before I heard my phone ringing. I sat up and looked around. Only for me to realize I left it in my coat pocket.

I stood up and walked over to my jacket. Retrieving my cell phone to see who called. And speaking of the devil, it was yixing. So I answered.

"Ne hyung?"

I didn't hear anything at first. So I frowned.

"Yixing?" I called out and all of the sudden I heard crying. But it's wasn't from yixing. It was from a female.

"Yah what is going on?" I asked. And Yixing finally answered.

"Ah. I'm surprised you don't know who this crying belongs to" Yixing said. And I tilted my head in confusion.

"What are you tal-"

And then it hit me..... But it couldn't be. She's at home sleeping.

"Ne Sehun. The time has come. She now knows the truth" Yixing said before chuckling. And I grew angry.

"What the hell Yixing!" I yelled.

"Don't blame me. I didn't say anything"

And then it hit me again. She might've remembered on her own. Sh#%*!

"What are you doing in my house huh? You better not be there when I get there because I swear I'll-"

"We're not in your house maknae. I took Suzy somewhere special" Yixing said before chuckling. And my mind started to result to the worst places.

"Where are you!" I exclaimed.

"Think long and hard Sehun. You'll figure it out" Yixing said before the line went dead. I snatched the phone away from my ear.

Where could she be? Why is Yixing doing this to me?

So many questions raced through my mind while I sat on my desk and thought. Where would he take her?

"Oh No" I mumbled. Before darting up and running out of my office. And out of the building before hoping into my car. I cranked it up and drove towards the place.

I guess what they say is right. Your past always comes back to haunt you.

I pulled up to the apartment complex.

This is the place I came to when I had my flings with other woman. While I was still in a relationship with Eunji. I know. I cheated on her multiple times. And when she finally did the same to me.

I was truthfully hurt. Everyone knew I was a dog. But for Eunji to cheat on me was on another level. I never expected something like that from her.

Yixing was the only person that knew about this place besides Kai. And now he's trying to use it against me.

I sighed before getting out of the car. And walking into the building. And since the owner knew who I was. I was overlooked when I walked behind the counter and into a sectioned off room basically reserved for me.

But I haven't been back here since I've been with Suzy. She's the one who made forget about this horrid place.

I opened the door and low and behold. There they were together. With Yixings arms around Suzy while she cried hysterically.

I stood in the doorway not knowing what to do.

Yixing finally looked in my direction and ruined me from there.

"Oh Sehun your here. What a surprise" Yixing said while smiling. And I was furious. So without further thinking. I charged towards him.

"Yah you asshole!" I yelled. But before I could get to him. Something stopped me.


I held my face before looking back at a unrecognizable Suzy.

"You got some nerve to call some else that word when the only asshole I see is you!" She yelled.

"Suzy I-"

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?! Huh! How could you do this to me?" Suzy asked and I had no answers.

"I was going to tell you. But I couldn't" I said.


"Because of this! I didn't want to see you like this." I said walking up to her. But she pushed me away.

"Was I a bad girlfriend to you? For you to go out and cheat on me with multiple woman?" Suzy said. And i frowned.

"Suzy I didn't cheat on you with multiple woman. It was only with Eunji one time. And that was the day you caught me" I said explaining.

"I don't want to hear anymore of your lies. Yixing told me everything! About how you bring your girls back here so I wouldn't find out. And you would lie and say you were working late" Suzy said before scoffing.

And I was officially lost. I wasn't with Suzy when I did all of those things. Yixing is lying.

"I was working late. Yixing's lying to you Suzy. I never cheated on you before that night. You got to listen to me" I said while walking up again.

"Was i not good enough? Was I bad to you? For you to hurt me like this?" Suzy asked quietly as tears fell endlessly from her eyes. And I could feel my heart sting.

This was what I was trying to avoid.

"Suzy no. I love you. You are everything I ever wanted. I'm sorry please forgive me" I said while walking up closer to her with apologetic eyes.

And she shook her head.

"I can never forgive you for what you did to me" Suzy said with her voice barley above a whisper. And my heart broke in my chest.

"Suzy please don't do this. I love you" I said grabbing her shoulders. And she pushed me away again.

"Get away from me! Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. I never want to see you again" Suzy said hysterically before she turned into Yixings arms. And that's when my tears started to fall. I lost her.

"Go wait for me in the car" Yixing said to Suzy before handing her the keys and with that she ran out. Before I could say anything to her.

And when she was out of the room. I looked back towards Yixing. Who just started clapping out of nowhere.

"That was nice. You really looked like you were telling the truth" Yixing said.

And I couldn't control my rage anymore. I walked up to him and grabbed him by his collar as I slammed him against the wall.

"I'm going to kill you!" I yelled looking Yixing in his eyes. And he smiled.

"Aww that's nothing I haven't heard before" Yixing said before pushing my arms off of him with sudden strength.
I ran towards him and threw a punch. But Yixing doged it and grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. Before he kicked me in my shin. Making me fall to my knees.

"You really underestimate your hyung. You and everyone else thought I was some guy who was always high and never knew what you guys were talking about. But in reality. I was always one step ahead." He said before throwing me to the ground.

"Why hyung? Why would you do this to me?" I asked in pain.

"Because your an idiot! You think woman grow on trees. There not something you just play around with. And thats not what your going to do with Suzy!" Yixing said yelling at me.

"And by the way. I'm resigning from my job. Go ahead and tell everyone else that I'm done with you losers. That financial report I showed you was fake. I bought all the stocks and now you guys will go bankrupt within a few months" he added and I looked him in disbelief.

"I know what your thinking. And I know right. They don't make people like me anymore." Yixing said before kicking me in my stomach and leaving.

I layed in the floor and cried. Thats all I could do. I lost everything.

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