She was on her bed, asleep. Kuroro is next to her, curled up in a ball. I close her door and went to my room. As I entered my room, it was silent.

"Entei" (Eh-N-Tae) I callnmy demon cat. See he looks like Kuroro, but has black in different spots. He comes to me and I give him the fish. He meowed and ate his lunch. I watch as Entei eats, my thoughts wondering.

Katie doesn't know about Entei. I have him watch over her when I'm gone. I relaxed in my room for the day.

~~~~(Katie's POV)~~~~
I woke up an hour later, feeling somewhat better. I went downstairs and cleaned the dishes. I finished the laundry, and took the clothes to their respective owners. I knocked on Heisuke's door. It was quiet, then I heard a meow.

That's weird, when did Kuroro go into Heisuke's room? Suddenly the door opened revealing a shirtless Heisuke. I stared at his toned, muscled chest. His hair was tousled, and wore black pants. I felt my face heat up, and look down.

"Hey, you okay Katie? Your face is red. Are you sick?" Heisuke asked.

"N-no, I b-brought you your c-clothes." I stuttered, handing him the basket. Suddenly a cat a lot like Kuroro jumps on the basket.

"Entei, what are you doing?" Entei I'm assuming meows at Heisuke, who shook his head. I giggled. "Thank you Katie," I nod my head and went back to my room. I went downstairs to prepare dinner. I decided to make breakfast for dinner.

French toast, eggs, hash browns, and bacon. I got all the food cooked and was setting the table. After placing the food on the table, the guys began to wander in. They took their seats, me being between Sasuke and Heisuke.

It was a nice evening, the sun was setting. One day ending, and the beginning of another. The night was a little chilly, so I wore my grey sweatshirt with Chicago in blue writing, a burgundy long sleeve, and dark skinny jeans. I cooked a lot of food and some bacon and leftover fish for Kuroro and Entei.

"Hey Heisuke, how come I've never seen Entei before?" I questioned. He stopped eating and replied,

"I've had him stay out of sight. After all, Entei and I are just like you and Kuroro. I've had him since I was little. We're inseparable, partners even." I listened to Heisuke talk about Entei. We all talked a bit longer, smiles and laughter was shared.

I washed the dishes and placed them in the cupboards. Kuroro was on my shoulder watching me. Entei jumped on the counter and meowed. I smiled as I rubbed his head. He purred, and meows again. Kuroro meows and jumps next to Entei. I can see that they will be great friends. Suddenly Entei growled.

I looked at him. He was staring at the window, fur sticking up. I was curious as to why he was acting this way. The window crashed as something was thrown through it. The glass shattering to the floor.

"Katie!" I heard someone yell. I was pushed to the ground by a force. I looked up and Heisuke was dressed in his black ninja attire. His blue-green eyes stared daggers out the window. The others rushed into the room. Suddenly, battle cries could be heard outside.

"Protect the princess!" Saizo yelled running outside. The others joined him.

"Entei, protect her!" Heisuke yelled. Entei meows and we ran to the living room. I could hear swords clash against each other. I could hear shouts of pain as some were injured or either killed.

"Awe, there's the princess." I turn towards the voice, and see a man. He was muscular, wore a black suit, black glasses, and black hair. He was standing there with some other men. They all have smirks on their faces.

"Now come quietly," another man chuckles. They began to walk towards me, and I took a step back matching theirs. Their dark laughter sent chills down my spine. Fear was taking over my body. I turned and ran, out the front door and into the woods. I saw the battle in the backyard as I ran to the woods. I heard their footsteps hitting the ground.

I tripped deep in the woods. Kuroro was in my sweatshirts hood. I was panting from running too long and fast. My lungs were burning, and my legs were screaming for me to stop. I heard a twig snap, and fog started appearing. It was beginning to get dark, that I couldn't see very well.

I heard a inhumanly growl and groan. Kuroro jumped in front of me growling. Suddenly, figures began to appear. They didn't look human. Their skin looked rotten, bones could be seen, had spikes or scale looking things poking out of their skin. Their eyes were black, red, or yellow. Each one was different in a way. Skin was different tones. Fingers were long, like razors.

Kuroro jumped at them, attacking them. She bit or clawed at them. She was getting beat.

"Kuroro, stop!" She didn't listen. She kept fighting. One of those monsters came at her from the side and used its razor like fingers, and swiped at her.

"Mmeeewww!" She let out a pained meow, while being thrown in the air. Her body laid there, not moving. Fear began to rise.

"Kuroro!" I yelled. I ran scooping her small body up. I ran holding her close. Her blood, dripping from her fragile body. I had to find a safe place for her, where the others will find her. I found a cave that was secluded. I placed her down, then took off my sweatshirt. I wrapped her body in it, and placed her on the ground.

I had to lead those monsters away from her. I began to run again, and heard those monsters following me. I was knocked to the ground, by something hard. I got to my elbows and looked up. I was surrounded by those things.

I heard another growl, but this one was familiar. I looked to my left, Entei jumped in front of me.

"Entei," I was happy to see him. "Entei, you need to run, get out of here!" Just like Kuroro, he didn't listen. I was shocked at what happened next. Fire began to surround Entei's body. The fire was growing in height, and once the fire disappeared, Entei was huge. He looked just like when he was small, but had two large fangs hanging from his mouth.

He began attacking those monsters, as those men in agent like suits arrived. I was shaking, and not from the cold either. My focus was on the men, until I heard a pained meow like the one Kuroro did. I turned to my right seeing those monsters hurting Entei.

I had to run. If I ran, they would go after me leaving Entei alone. And that's what I did. I took off, dodging trees and branches. I felt a sting in my leg, then shortly after in my arm. My body started slowing down. No! I have to keep going.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of those monsters running next to me. I saw another to my right. Oh no, they're boxing me in! The one on my left, held his arm to his shoulder then swung at me. Hitting my body, throwing me in the air a distance. My body stopped by slamming into a tree, back first.

My body slid down the tree, landing on the cold ground. Pain erupted in my back, spreading slowly to the other parts of my body. I heard the leaves and twigs snap closer to me. I was able to lift my head up, barely. I saw those creatures, and agent like men standing in front of me. My vision began to get fuzzy, making it difficult to see.

My eyes drifted closed, but I was able to hear them talk.

"Those tranquilizers are kicking in. Good work Ayakashis, Nobunaga will be very proud. Let's get her back while we still have those ninjas held back." I heard a man say. I heard someone step closer to me. I felt my body being lifted over someone's shoulder. My body screamed at the movements, resulting my to release a muffled groan.

The last thing I heard was my name being called out in the distance.

"Katie!" Then I was succumbed to darkness that welcomed me.
Sorry I haven't been able to update until now. I hoped you guys enjoyed.
The picture is Entei, Heisuke's cat. Looks a lot like Kuroro.
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