Chapter Twelve (Ky)

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I tap my fingers against the sides of Jacob's truck.  I'm still shocked about his past.

"Shit,"  I whisper to myself.  No wonder he's not easy to talk to.  His life must have been horrible.  He never told me he was abused.

God.  Why did I leave them alone again?  What might she be doing to him in there?  Should I call the police or will I look like a complete idiot doing this?  I'm just going with I'll look like a complete idiot.  Jacob never really seemed like he likes the government and what they do to us, I've got to admit.

Suddenly, I hear the door open from behind me.  

Please, don't let it be his mother... Anyone but her...

I turn around, to see Jacob... Smiling?

"Wanna come back in?"  He shouts, "we can stay for the night!"

"That was quick!"  I respond, "but sure!  Is she doing better now?"

He nods, before stepping out and leaving the door wide open for me.

I start on a small jog towards it.

His mother, Ramona, is walking around the kitchen, seemingly preparing something.

"I'm glad you two made it up..."  I say, hopefully it's not something that will set her off.

She turns around, wipes the bottom of her eyes, then smiles.  "I was being the stupid one this time."

In response to the last two words, Jacob purses his lips to a thin and sad smile.  I officially feel bad for him.  His own mother can't even mention something good about her son, even when she's trying to be nice.

"I guess I'm just missing company of any sort," she continues, "maybe not even just a member of the family's.  I've never been out a lot, you know, I've been pretty short on money... There's never an opportunity for me to make any friends.

I'm pretty sure that's not the reason, you fucking abusive mother-fucking, blind, stupid, terrifying idiot for a mother... Look at you... Maybe you should focus on keeping a family before making any friends.  I mean, look at him.  He's literally being his best right now just to visit you.  We could be on the road again, hiding from the Injected.  But he decided to see you and your disgusting as fuck ass because, shockingly, he cares  about you.

Oh my God... Be nice Ky...

Why am I so overprotective over someone who I hardly know?  I mean, this is his mother.  Someone he likes probably more than me.  Why should I care?

He said that he was glad he ran into someone as cheerful as I am... I think to myself, hopefully.

Yeah, Ky, good luck with using that in a week.  Who knows how many people he's said that to...

Obviously, his life was sad...

That supports my point even more.  I bet everyone that he's talked to is happier than his life.

Why am I even thinking about this anyways?  It's not like I have feelings for a stranger.  That's shallow and really weird.  No joke, I've only spent almost exactly twenty-four hours with him in my life.

"You've never told me your name, sweetheart..." Ramona blinks softly before saying this.

I bet I have, Grandma...

"Oh.  Um... Ky," I respond as sweetly as possible.

'That's a pretty name for a pretty girl like you," she says.

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