Chapter Nine (Jacob)

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"Ready to go to bed?"  I ask, staring at the empty box of pizza, "wow.  Someone was hungry."

Ky elbows me a little, "you were the one who ate most of it!"

"And I will continue to eat the next box tomorrow," I reply.  "This will probably last us until we make it to Virginia."

She shrugs, "maybe."

"Okay.  Lights out now."

She jumps out of bed and snaps the switch down.

When she gets back in, she curls into a ball and lies on her side.  I turn to lie on my stomach.

I close my eyes, trying to drain away any thoughts inside my head

This is kind of the only way that I can sleep nowadays. When I was smaller, I'd try to imagine a scene from a movie or something before I realized that sometimes people just have to grow up.

"Jacob?" I hear Ky say this from one side of me.


"Just... One question..."


"Why are we going to Virginia?"

"There's a place that we have to go to over there," I answer, too tired to tell her about the base.

"That's very descriptive," she sighs, sarcasm rolling with her voice.

"I'm just tired right now.  I can tell you about it tomorrow."


After that, I close my eyes.

Tomorrows destination will be confusing.  I'm literally in the same state as my mother right now.  If I stop by and visit her tomorrow, that obviously will slow us down. 

But would it really hurt if we took just one day off?  You know, maybe to think things out.

Why don't I just ask Ky tomorrow and get some sleep? 

That sounds good enough for me.


I open my eyes to see that Ky has left her spot on the bed. 

All of the sunlight from outside the windows are covered up by the thick, white curtains.  I step off the bed just to open them. 

When I turn around, I notice that Ky is curled on the couch, her phone pressed to her ear. 

She laughs, "yeah, tell Connor all of that."

She pauses for a moment.

"You don't know him?"

"Yeah... Yeah... He visited earlier this month."

"Black hair... Blue eyes..."

"That's it.  Tell him to tell everyone else, okay?  I don't want my disappearance to be too secret..."


"Nope.  I'm not telling you where I am."

"Get the cops out of our house.  Thank you."

"Love you too, Mom."

"... Yes..."


"No!  Okay, Mom, I have to go... I'll keep in touch with you, I promise."

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